Keywords: Students’ Problem, Reading Comprehension, Questioning Technique Reading is the most useful and important skill for humans. But, students’ grades on reading comprehension is low, because students have difficulty in understanding the content of the material and students do not have good reading in reading comprehension. Lack of vocabulary and difficulty to concentrate in readin…
Kata Kunci: Gangguan Mental, Psikologi Sastra, Novel Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keinginan penulis untuk mengetahui gangguan mental tokoh Skyler Starnight yang terkandung dalam sebuah novel. Novel Paparazzi karya Queen Nakey yang dipublikasikan di Plaftform Fizzo pada tahun 2021. Dengan jumlah bab 199 yang bertemakan fantasi barat dan menceritakan tentang kehidupan kedua Skyler St…
Key Words: Taboo Game, Vocabulary Mastery There are “four skills” in English. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary is one of the ways in mastering English, because without vocabulary the teacher and the students cannot understand about English. Because, Vocabulary is the most important in writing and speaking, if the students want to study English language, th…
Kata Kunci: Metode Audio Bahasa, kosakata Mengajar adalah proses perpindahan ilmu, keterampilan atau tingkah lakumengajar kosakata untuk anak-anakakan berhasil jika guru bisa memilih metode yang tepat ketika mengajar pada siswanya. Oleh karena itu, guru di Mts. Darut Thalibin Dusun Pandian Desa Pomteh Kecamatan Galis Kabupaten Pamekasan menggunakan metode audio bahasa untuk mengajar kosaka…
Keywords: True or False Chair Game, Vocabulary Achievement There are many students get difficulties in English vocabulary and sometimes they need an interesting strategy in to comprehend the words. Vocabulary achievement is student's achievement in english vocabulary the extent to which they master and understand the English vocabulary. So, the researcher want to measure the effect of usin…
Keywords : Phonetic Transcription Mastery, Pronounciation Ability Pronounciation is the way to pronounce a words in English. One of element that can help with correctly pronouncing words or sentences in English is phonetics. The aims of this research is to correlate between the students’ phonetic transcription mastery and their pronounciation ability of the students at the third semester…
Keywords: Value, Islamic Ethical, Movie Era has brought many changes even in the ethical sector. As you know, many students does not accept when they are get punished by their teacher in the form of hitting them. However, we know that students in this era has changed, we can find that some of the students are no longer afraid and even dare to hit back to their teacher. This phenomenon appe…
Key Words: Language, Communication, Novel As an international language, English is used as the language of communication, of course not only English is used as the language of communication, there are many languages used for communication between individuals and other individuals, difference in the language of communication used when carrying out conversations can be caused by differences …
Keywords: Writing error, Compound Sentence, LPM Activita’s Magazine Grammar is very necessary in the rules of English writing. Especially in writing compound sentence. There are several rules that must be known in writing this compound sentence. Then the researcher used data from the Essay in LPM Activita magazine. This study contains a research focus. The first is what are the student's…
Keyword: Feminism, “The holy woman novel” In literature, feminism can be used as a tool to study literary works (both feminist works and not), literary works as a means to convey gender criticism. Feminism itself equalizes the playing field between men and woman by ensuring that women have the same opportunity in life to choose their roles and right as man. We can find the relationship …
Key Words: Vocabulary, Drilling Method In the world of education especially English lessons, this has one of the most important components that must be mastered namely vocabulary, so that it is easy to learn English. TPQ Asy-Syarifah is an educational institution that also takes English subjects. In this institution there are several classes, one of which researcher took is the Ar-Rahman c…
Keywords: English Teacher, Teaching Methods, Young Learner, Young Learner Participation. The purpose of teaching itself is to improve students’ process skills in obtaining and using information. In its role, the teacher’s method in teaching is very dominat in supporting students’ success. Teching method itself is a way to achieve something in the teaching and learning process. At MIS…
Keywords: The Beyond Center And Circle Times (BCCT),The Teaching English, Young Learner. The material of the beyond center and circle times (BCCT) method is to conduct trainings that explain the development of early childhood in sensorimotor play. Such as role playing and developmental play until the emergence of literacy based on educational theory that is in accordance with children's de…
Keywords: Activist, Thesis, English Teaching Program Finishing the final college assignment is not easy. It takes mind, heart and physical readiness. And really needs motivation from people around and of course from yourself. Moreover, being part of activists student who must be wise in dividing time between organizations and finishing the final project. If it is not wise to divide the tim…
Keywords: Teacher-Centered, Learning, Curriculum The Curriculum 2013 employs student centered approach where teacher encourages students to be active in constructing the lesson which is totally different to teacher centered approach in which the teacher holds dominantly the teaching and learning. Despite implementing student centered approach in Curriculum 13, a teacher implemented teacher…