Key Words: Taboo Game, Vocabulary Mastery There are “four skills” in English. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary is one of the ways in mastering English, because without vocabulary the teacher and the students cannot understand about English. Because, Vocabulary is the most important in writing and speaking, if the students want to study English language, th…
ABSTRAK Agus Wahyudi, 2018, Implikasi Perceraian di bawah Tangan terhadap Nafkah kepada istri dalam masa iddah di Desa Matanair kec Pademawu Kab. Pamekasan. skripsi program studi Al-Akhwal Al-Syakhshiyyah jurusan Syariah, IAIN Madura, Pembimbing: Dr. H. Moh. Hasan, M.Ag. Kata Kunci : Perceraian Bawah Tangan, Menahfkahi Istri selama Masa Iddah, Hukum Islam Perceraian dalam rumah tangga merupa…