Berisi tentang : 1. Advancing larger democracy in indonesa trhough islamic print media 2. Indoctrinating muslim Youtuhs: seeking certainty through an-nabhanism 3. Islamic education in a pluralistic society 4. Dll
Berisi tentang : 1. the historical of omar al- mukhtar and islamic martyrdom in indonesia 2. islam and the changing meaning of spiritualitas in contemporary indonesia 3. gender contruction in dakwahtaiment: a case study of " hati ke hati bersama mamah dedeh "
Berisi tentang : 1. islamism, government regulation, and the ahmadiyah controversies in Indonesia 2. persatuan pemuda muslim se-Eropa ( PPME): Its qualified founders, progresion, and nature 3. islamism in politic : integration and persecution in egypt. 4. Dll
Berisi tentang : 1. Re-thinking calaimants to prophethood : the case of umayya ibn Abi salt 2. transnationalising jamaah islamiyah 3. islam and minorites : managing identity in malaysia. 4. Dll
Berisi tentang: 1. Re-orientng the wast? the transnational debate on the status of the 'west' in the debates among islamicst intellectuals and student from the 1970s to the present 2.Hizbut tahrir malaysia : the emergence of a new transnational islamist movement in malaysia 3. Genesis and deveopment of a " non- partisan" political actor : the formation of the jama'ah islah malaysia and its…
Berisi tentang : 1. the education of indonesian shi'i leaders 2. tarekat kadissiyah : an example of neo- tarekat in bandung , indonesia 3. kitab al-muzhir of jalal an din al- suyuti : a critical edition and translation of section twenty on islamic terms. 4. Dll
Berisi tentang : 1. Maqasid and te challenges of modernity 2 Leveling the unleved? syariah advocates' struggle for equaliti in indonesian legal pluralism 3. the influence of global muslim feminism of indonesian muslim feminist discourse. 4.Dll