Kata Kunci : Implementasi, “Kurikulum Adab”, Hasil Belajar, Taysir al-Khallaq Mata pelajaran Taysir al-Khallaq merupakan salah satu program pembelajaran yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan dan memperkokoh akhlak, menanamkan nilai-nilai adab, serta menjadikan siswa menjadi insan beradab. Berlangsungnya mata pelajaran ini juga merupakan salah satu bentuk pengimplementasian “Kurikulum Adab…
Mawadatul Mufidah
Key Words: IPA and IPS Majors, Vocabulary Mastery At the senior high school level, the majors are divided into two, well-known in Indonesian as IPA (Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam) sciences studies and IPS (Ilmu Pegetahuan Sosial) social studies. As well as in MA. Al-Djufri Blumbungan Pamekasan. Both majors have different characteristics of students and academic learning. But they still have so…
ABSTRACT The research entitled “An Analysis of Madurese Dialect in the English Conversation by the Member of Bata-Bata English Centre (BBEC)” is intended to describe the Madurese dialect in the English conversation made by the member of Bata-Bata English Centre (BBEC). Especially, this research is aimed to (1) Describe the patterns of Madurese dialect in English conversation by the mem…