Abstrak Informatif Buku ini merupakan salah satu rujukan bagi pembaca baik dosen, mahasiswa, Peneliti maupun masyarakat umum yang ingin menambah wawasan tentang metode penelitian komunikasi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Secara terperinci buku ini terbagi dalam 9. Bab 1 tentang penelitian ilmiah meliputi pengertian ilmu, metode ilmiah, penelitian ilmiah, paradigma dalam penelitian komunikasi, …
Kata Kunci: Akhlak Tasawuf, Akhlak Mulia Perguruan tinggi Islam khususnya IAIN Madura yang notabennya disebut sebagai tempat para kaum akademis Islamis harus memiliki mahasiswa yang tidak hanya berintelektual tinggi akan tetapi akhlak serta nilai-nilai ismlaminya juga mempuni. Dengan adanya mata kuliah pendidikan agama Islam diharapkan seorang mahasiswa menjadi sebenar-benarnya manusia yan…
Keywords: Writing, Descriptive text , Model, Mind Map Descriptive text is one of the materials in learning English, descriptive text containing the description of a particular object place or even so that in be felt, seen, read, and heard. SMAN 1 Galis is a school located in Konang Galis Pamekasan where this school applies a mind map (concept map) this is because the use of this mind …
Keywords: Bilingual Method, Young Learner, Kindergarten The bilingual method is the application of a curriculum that uses two languanges,namely english and indonesian,so students get two lessons at once,namely the curriculum lessons that are taught as well as the foreign languange lessons that are applied.while bilingual is someone who is able to use two langueages or can understand he…
Keywords: children song, sentence pattern (simple sentence), young learners Songs play an important role in the development of young kids learning second language. A testament to this is the frequency with which songs are used in English language teaching classroom all over the world. Children song is a group of beautiful words in which there are a message to be conveyed to individuals…
Key Words: Difficulties, Online Teaching, Pandemic Covid-19. Difficulties or problems are something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved. The problem in teaching is also sometimes experienced by teacher or lecturer. This happens due to 2 factors, namely internal factors and external factors. The purpose of this study is to find out what problems are experienced by l…
Keywords : student’s perceptions, english songs, speaking Most students of MTS Miftahul Qulub Polagan, have difficulty in learning speaking English, they have difficulties such as wrong pronunciation, lack of vocabulary, feels boring in learning, etc. The teacher needs to make teaching and learning activities more effective, one of that is by using English songs in the teaching and l…