Berisi tentang: 1. Competing political ideologies on the implementation of islamic law iin indonesia: hidtorical and legal pluralist perspectives 2. Towards indonesia halal tourism 3. Riba al-Qard fi al-Mu`amalat al-Mu`asirah fi Mizan al-Iqtisad al- Islami
Berisi tentang : 1. Gold netting to strengthen financial system stability 2. Bank run and stability of islamic Banking in Indonesia 3. Developing islamic waqf bank as a Mechanism for financial system stability 4. Dll
Berisi tentang : 1. FinancialInstability hypothesis (FIH) of minsky : contextualizing the roles of islamic Commercial and social finance 2. The bank lendin channel of monetary policy transmission in a dual bankng system 3. An exploration of Costumer's switching behavior in islamic banking industry 4. Dll