Kata Kunci: Soft Skill, Cooperative Learning, Siswa Soft skill pada dasarnya merupakan keterampilan seseorang dalam berhubungan dengan orang lain (interpersonal skills) dan keterampilan dalam mengatur dirinya sendiri (interersonal skills) yang mampu mengembangkan unjuk kerja yang maksimal. Dan salah satu cara menumbuhkan sofl skill ini yakni melalui metode cooperative learning. Ada dua po…
Keywords: Analysis, Figurative Language, Song’s Lyric. Analysis is the study of observing object of observation by using method and research approach to find out the answer and problem solving of problem. Where the object analysis in this study is analysis figurative language that conceive inside song’s lyric, there are two focuses in this research such as what types of figurative lang…
Kata Kunci Manajemen Kurikulum Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka ada dua fokus penelitian yang menjadi kajian pokok dalam penelitian ini yaitu pertama bagaimana pengelolaan kurikulum anak berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah luar biasa Yasmin Kabupaten Sumenep, kedua bagaimana kendala dan solusi dalam pengelolaan kurikulum anak berkebutuhan khusus di sekolah luar biasa Yasmin Kabupaten Sumenep. Pene…
Kata Kunci: Manajemen, Bimbingan Konseling, Bimbingan karir Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi pada ketertarikan peneliti terhadap penerapan manajemen bimbingan konseling dalam memberikan pelayanan bimbingan karir di SMAN 2 Pamekasan. Yang mana seperti apakah sistem manajemen bimbingan konseling dalam memberikan pelayanan bimbingan karir. Melihat hal tersebut maka fokus penelitian yang diambi…
Keywords: morphological process, word formation, Slang, Jaenglish Language, Twitter. A language becomes one of the elements that are certainly involved each time practice of communication occurred in society. The use of slang replace any forms of standard English with the presence of social media. This does not rule out the emergence of 'internet slang' due to the massive number of those use…
Keywords: translation, translation procedure, song lyrics Translation is process of transfer meaning, idea, or message from one language into another language. Song lyric is kinds of literary work, namely poetry. Song lyric is also someone’s experienced that seen, heard, or experienced that written in song lyric. In translating the song lyric a translator should be focus on rhyme and ryt…
Kata Kunci : Strategi, Kepala Sekolah, Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru. Penelitian ini fokus terhadap tiga permasalahan, yaitu: pertama bagaimana strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi pedagogik guru di SMP Islam Mambaul Ulum Batu Ampar Sumenep, kedua apa kendala yang dihadapi Kepala Sekolah SMP Islam Mambaul Ulum Batu Ampar Sumenep dalam penerapan strategi untuk meningkatkan komp…
Kata Kunci: Implementasi Kurikulum, Non Akademik, Prestasi Implementasi kurikulum sangat penting dalam pendidikan, terutama dalam mewujudkan prestasi siswa. Tanpa kurikulum, pendidikan tidak akan berjalan sesuai dengan tujuan yang hendak dicapai. Kurikulum terbagi menjadi kurikulum di bidang Akademik atau Intrakurikuler dan bidang Non Akademik atau Ekstrakurikuler. Sehingga dalam hal ini, …
Keywords: English Debate Practice, obstacles, Speaking Skill English debate practice is one of effective speaking activity which encourages students to improve their communication skill in English, a debate is about the real or simulated issue, the learners’ roles ensure that they have adequate share knowledge about the issueand different opinions or interest to defend. But, in the proce…
Key words: Reading error, Narrative text, pronunciation. Reading is impotant for a read a sentence of the text and can more input your brain grt about how the language work, when you read in English you can improve your vocavulary, your grammar and your writing skill but in reading the reader must be carefully to read the text because it can be cause a reading error. The are two research f…
Kata Kunci : Supervisi Manajerial, Kedisiplinan Guru Penelitian ini berawal dari ketertarikan peneliti yang banyak beranggapan bahwa lembaga yang jauh dari pusat kota akan kurang disiplin untuk hal kedisiplin waktu. Selain itu banyaknya masyarakat yang beranggapan bahwa kurangnya pengawasan dari pihak dinas terkait utamanya dari pihak kepala madrasah. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui ba…
Key Words: Teaching English, Learning Community Teaching English is the profession of teacher to make people gains the new knowledge especially in foreign language. One of the approach in teaching English is learning community, learning community used in the classroom by discussing with friends that aims to share knowledge and experience in order to use friends as a source of learning to g…
Keywords: Listening Difficulties, TOEFL TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language) is one of the English tests used to measure the English proficiency of non-native speakers. Several universities in Indonesia used this test to measure the ability of their students in English. The TOEFL test also can become a rule to apply for job, a requirement for graduation, and for those who wants t…
Kata Kunci: Kebijakan Kepala Madrasah, Kreativitas Siswa, Ekstrakurikuler Kebijakan kepala madrasah dalam meningkatkan kreativitas siswa melalui kegiatan ekstrakurikuler merupakan suatu kesadaran akan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional RI Nomor 39 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pembinaan Kesiswaan yang harus didapatkan oleh siswa sebagai hak mereka didunia pendidikan untuk mengembangkan potensi mer…
Keywords: Kinds of anchovy , Translation, Eugene Nida Translation Theories Indonesia as a maritime that most of its territory is oceans of course will make Indonesia have great potential in economy. One of the economic sectors that has become an advantage for Indonesia as a maritime country is the fishery sector. This fishery resource spread to all islands in Indonesia, one of those islands…
Keywords: Main Character, Character, Novel This study analyzes a novel entitled Into the Magic Shop written by James R Doty. The analysis of this study focuses on the characteristics and development of Jim’s personality as the main character. This research has two problems, namely: what is the character of Jim as the main character in the novel entitled Into the Magic Shop? And how are t…
Keywords: Strategies, reading aloud, reading skill. This research consists of problems, objectives, research, methods, research findings and conclusions. This research focuses on the Read with Me: A Reading Aloud Strategies For The Fifth Grade Reading Skill At SDN Kowel 3 Pamekasan. This research consist of three research objectives, namely How does the teacher use read with me: str…