Keywords: Snake and Ladder Game, Teacing Vocabulary, SMP Nurul Abror Snake and Ladder Game is game that is used by the teacher tin teaching vocabulary to improve the vocabulary of the students in order to make the students easy in learning and memorizing the vocabulary because the teacher there used one of the game that is very familiar to play but the concept of this games aim is to m…
Key words: Picture Media, Vocabulary Mastery Mastering vocabulary is important for learners since vocabulary knowledge, as one of the basic components an important role among the four language skills. It is true that it might be impossible to learn a language without mastering vocabulary. The students difficulties to understand the lesson about the vocabulary. In study English, picture hel…
Keywords: Teacher strategy, Speaking, Dialogue In teaching and learning process the teacher must be creative in choosing methods so that the students are enjoy and happy, active do not feel bored in class, because students have different abilities. The teacher must be choose a method that suits the conditions of the students in the classroom to make students happy and improve the learn…
Keyword : Students’ Responses, E-Learning, Statistic Research E-learning is a supporting application which is in use by the campus to facilitate the learning process in the pandemic covid19 which uses learning online or online. on a class of statistical research in the sixth semester of English department at IAIN Madura, lecturers using elearning as a learning media. In the process of …
Keyword: analysis, Students’ need, English language English language is the crucial language in every aspect. Even in a business, economy, politics, mechanic and many others. For these many aspects, English language has different approach on that language. Therefore, students study about English for specific purpose dealing with what they need or their aspect. English for Specific Pu…
Keywords: Direct Reading Thinking Activity, Teaching, Reading Direct reading thinking activity is a strategy that encourage students to use their minds while reading a text. It guides students to ask questions based on what they read, make predictions on the story line and read further to confirm if their predictions were right. The researcher has two focuses. First, how does the teach…
Keywords: Reading-writing connection strategy, Recount text Most of the students' ability is low in learning recount text. Where students feel confused in explaining their ideas to write recount text. They also find it difficult to arrange words, the rules in writing recount text, and errors in their grammar. The implementation of the Reading writing connection strategy is a strategy …
KeyWords: Strategy, Things Around Us , Media in English Teaching Implemented English lessons outside the classroom through the use of objects around that were not prepared in advance. As long as the use of objects as media works efficiently and effectively, it is felt by the teacher and makes students feel happy and motivated. The purpose of this study is to find out How does the teacher…
Keyword: Students’ Writing Skill, Descriptive Text, Chain Writing Method Chain writing method is one of a method that used in teaching writing in English lesson. The use of this method can help teacher in students at seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Batumarmar. In addition, the students’ become easier in writing descriptive text because students’ works with their groups, students’ a…
Keywords: The application, teaching strategies, English Teacher Teaching strategies is to teach students in an interesting way with various variations so that students avoid from lazy and create a comfortable and fun learning atmosphere comfortable. . Based on the background above, the research problem in this study are firstly What are the strategies used by English Teacher Of The Se…
Keyword: Writing, Argumentative Essay, Mind Mapping, Difficulties. Mind mapping is a method of mapping the form of thinking in the form of writing or images as a goal to maximize the potential of thinking. Mind mapping itself in English is often used in making an essay that expresses an opinion to process the author's thoughts by using the concept. There are three objectives in this stu…
Keywords: Vocabulary, Visual Media, Puppet The use of other media hand puppets in learning English vocabulary is a strategy used by English teachers in class VII SMPN 1 Pamekasan that connects the story or material read or delivered to students, where teachers convey the media hand puppets. give examples of vocabulary pronunciation, then ask students to repeat it. After that, the teacher…
Kata Kunci: Metode bercerita, Perkembangan bahasa anak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan peneliti dalam mengungkapkan yang dilakukan oleh pihak RA. Asy-Syuhada’ Pamekasan dalam implementasi metode bercerita dalam mengembangkan aspek kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini dengan demikian penelitian ini akan berusaha untuk mengetahui bagaimana Implementasi Metode Bercerita d…
Kata kunci: Audio Visual, Nilai Agama dan Moral, AUD Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) merupakan pendidikan yang diselenggarakan bagi anak usia lahir sampai usia 6 tahun, dilakukan dengan pemberian rangsangan pendidikan untuk membantu anak tumbuh dan berkembang sebagaimana mestinya, anak juga akan memiliki kesiapan untuk memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut pada umumnya. Adapun Fokus peneliti…
Kata kunci: media papan flanel dalam mengasah membaca permulaan huruf alfabet anak Pendidikan anak usia dini merupakan pendidikan yang dilaksanakan sebelum memesuki pendidikan dasar, yang mana dalam pendidikan PAUD tersebut merupakan suatu pembinaan untuk anak sejak ia lahir sampai berusi 6 tahun. Jenis pembelajaran yang biasa dilakukan yaitu melalui pemberian rangsangan pendidikan supay…
Kata kunci: Alat Permainan Edukatif dalam Merangsang Minat Belajar Siswa Alat permainan edukatif merupakan alat atau media yg digunakan guru untuk merangsang minat belajar siswa. Penggunaan alat permainan edukatif sangat penting dan sangat membantu guru dalam menjelaskan materi kepada siswa. Alat permainan edukatif merupakan alat atau media permainan yang menyenangkan yang didesain khusu…
Kata Kunci: Senam Irama, Motorik kasar, Anak Usia Dini Motorik kasar adalah gerakan yang menggunakan otot besar untuk mengkoordinasikan seluruh anggota tubuh dan gerakannya melibatkan fungsi motorik seperti otak, saraf dan otot. Senam irama adalah senam yang mengutamakan kesamaan gerakan, dapat diiringi musik, hitungan bahkan ketukan. Motorik kasar anak usia dini dapat berkembang dan t…
Kata Kunci: Metode Cerita, Keterlambatan Berbicara (Speech Delay), Anak Usia Dini Peneliti mengambil pembahasan tentang menerapkan metode cerita pada anak yang (speech delay) yang menurut peneliti layak dibahas dan dipermasalahkan. Menerapkan metode cerita pada anak yang mengalami keterlambatan dalam berbicara sangat penting dilakukan agar anak dapat berbicara dengan baik dan benar. Memi…
Kata Kunci: Penggunaan Metode At-Tanzil Dalam Mengembangkan Membaca Al-Qur’an Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh ketertarikan peneliti untuk memperdalam tentang penggunaan metode At-Tanzil dalam mengembangkan membaca Al-Qur’an, berbicara tentang mengembangkan, anak usia tiga sampai enam tahun adalah usia yang tepat dalam melakukan sebuah pembelajaran Al-Qur’an lebih tepatny…