Keywords : Second Language Acquisition, Phonological Interference Phonological interference happens when speakers use language sounds from other languages to express words in their native tongue. Phonological interference happens when the speaker pronounces the English word, then the words have interfered with other sounds of the native language. Based on researcher's observation at MA stu…
Kata Kunci: Strategi Peningkatan Kuantitas, Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru Strategi pada dasarnya merupakan suatu langkah awal perencanaan yang dirumuskan agar bisa digunakan didalam mencapai suatu harapan atau misi tertentu yang telah ditetapkan, strategi peningkatan kuantitas peserta didik merupakan upaya sadar dan terencana yang dilakukan oleh pihak SDN Pamaroh 3 Kadur Pamekasan untuk me…
Key word: Vocabulary Mastery, English Course Vocabulary is known as a collection of letters and then becomes a word that has meaning. Vocabulary is one of the most important parts in mastering language. If the students have a lot of vocabulary they will easier in understand the material of English, such as in reading, listening and also they will be able to express their idea in speaking s…
Kata Kunci : Manajemen Mutu Manajemen mutu adalah upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan secara sustaibele yang di jalankan secara sistematis untuk memenuhi kebutuhan stakeholder. Mutu pendidikan adalah sebuah kemampuan sistem pendidikan yang berasal dari segi pengelolaan dan juga dari segi proses pendidikan itu sendiri yang diarahkan secara efektif untuk menaikkan nilai tambah input…
Keywords: Politeness Strategies, Main Character, Penelope Brown Perspective This research begins with the realization for researchers that the politeness we have is important in our life. Politeness relates with the study of knowing the way people use a language while they are a having interaction or communication. The existence of a movie that talks about how politeness exists in movie, wha…
Kata Kunci : Peran Guru Bimbingan Konseling, Manajemen Konflik Intrapersonal Siswa Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan fenomen yang ditemui di SMPN 5 Pamekasan mengenai penanganan konflik intrapersonal siswa. Pertama, Bagaimana peran guru bimbingan konseling dalam manajemen konflik intrapersonal siswa di SMPN 5 Pamekasan? Kedua, Apa saja faktor penyebab siswa mengalami konflik intrapersona…
Keywords: Teachers Pedagogic Competence One of the competencies of a teacher is pedagogic competence is the ability of a teacher to manage the teaching and learning process in the classroom so that it runs well in accordance with the pedagogic competency indicators. According to the explanation of the principal at SMPN 5 Mandangin Island Sampang that, English teachers at SMPN 5 Mandangin I…
Kata Kunci: Teknik Supervisi Individual, Kepala Sekolah Lembaga pendidikan seperti sekolah dibentuk sebagai upaya yang dapat menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkualitas, karena sekolah merupakan wadah untuk menciptakan manusia yang berpendidikan tanpa melihat latar belakang budaya, tingkat sosial, dan tingkat ekonomi siswa, dengan adanya Supervisi diartikan sebagai layanan yang bersif…
Keywords: Outstanding Students, Learning Strategy Learning strategies are one of way to improve learning abilities and also to facilitate the learning process, most students definitely have their own learning strategies that they use in learning, using learning strategies in their own way will produce pretty good results for students. Students can use learning strategies such as underlinin…
Keywords: Satire, Poetry, Simon Armitage. Some people may be able to read and understand the content of the message in the poem easily, but not a few have difficulty understanding it, even people who read poetry with the aim of reading only to want to know in general the meaning of the poem. Anger and Happiness of others feeling that can be written in the form of a poem with a beautiful choice…
Kata Kunci : Ajaran PSHT, Akhlak Persaudaraan setia hati terate ialah sebuah organisasi yang besar, dimana anggotanya lebih dari 9 juta anggota. di dalam ajaran persaudaraan setia hati terate terdapat ajaran akhlak, baik itu akhlak kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, Akhlak kepada sesama manusia, serta akhlak kepada alam semesta, yang mana jika seorang anggota PSHT memahami ajaran PSHT secara mend…
Kata Kunci : Sistem, Pengendalian, Perkantoran. Penelitian ini dimulai dari ketertarikan Seorang Peneliti untuk mengetahui tentang Bagaimana Cara Mengatur sistem perkantoran dengan baik dan tertata rapi serta Sasaran setelah terbuatnya sistem tersebut di lembaga pendidikan Di MA Miftahul Qulub Polagan Galis Pamekasan. Sistem Perkantoran sangat penting tdalam suatu lembaga pendidikan, karen…
Key Words: English Language Acquisition, Youtube, Young Learners. English language acquisition is the process of how someone acquire an English language that influenced by their environment, so they can understand and use the language in their daily life. In this research, focus on how the children acquire English language as their foreign language through watching youtube kids videos. The…
Keywords: Student’s difficulties, speaking, learning of ESP Speaking an important thing for someone to be able to interact with other people, where talking can get information or exchange information. Where, based on field studies at SMKN 1 Proppo, many o the students experience difficulties in learning English. One of them is the difficulties in speaking English well and fluently, where…
Keywords: Reading and Song Lyrics Reading is one of the language skills. How to persuade students to want to read the text is sometimes frustrating. They are reluctant to dig up a lot of knowledge by reading several books or articles. It is important to find the right way to engage students in reading practice. The researcher found that teachers teaching English used song lyrics media, esp…
Kata Kunci: Strategi Kolaborasi, Manajemen, Bimbingan dan Konseling Strategi kolaborasi dalam manajemen pelayanan bimbingan dan konseling di MAN 2 Pamekasan merupakan bentuk kerja sama antar personil penting madrasah dalam pelaksanaan pelayanan di bidang bimbingan konseling dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah kegiatan pengelolaan manajemen madrasah demi mencapai tujuan pendidikan sekaligus ter…
Kata Kunci: Teknologi Perkantoran , Efektivitas Kerja Teknologi perkantoran merupakan suatu proses kompleks dan terpadu yang melibatkan orang dan peralatan-peralatan kantor untuk menganalisis sebuah masalah dan memecahkan berbagai masalah yang menyangkut semua belajar manusia. Dalam pelaksanaanya, penyusunan tempat kerja akan menentukan berhasil tidaknya suatu pekerjaan dalam kantor, karen…
Keywords: Student Anxiety , “3 idiots” Film, Spielberger’s perspective Anxiety is not a strange phenomenon to be found. In fact, it seems normal especially among college students. This happens a lot in several countries as evidenced by the news or in the form of research on this issue. There are factors that cause student anxiety, both from outside such as family or factor from academ…
Keywords: Students’ difficulties, Listening comprehension, Students’ ways. This thesis discusses the students’ difficulties in listening comprehension at the third semester English department of state Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura. This study consist of two research focus are what are the difficulties faced by students in listening comprehension at the third semester English dep…