Berisi tentang : 1. Sufism on the silver screen 2. Jihad for Whom? 3. the Genealogy of Muslim Radicalism In In donesia 4. Dll
Bersisi tentang ": 1. Islamic anad religious studies 2. Militant and Liberal Islam 3. AL -Islam Al-sha'bi 4. Dll
berisi tentang : 1. Madrasa by any other name Pondok, pesantren, and islamic schools in Indonesia and larger southest asian region 2. " Teen Islam" The rise of teenagers-segmented Islamic Transmission Trhought popular media in Indonesia 3. Filming ayat-ayat cinta The making of muslim public sphere in Indonesia 4. Dll
Berisi tentang : 1. Religius freedom in Indonesia Corious Cases of dialogues, Ftawas and Laws 2. Shari'ah Bylaws in Indonesia And their Implication For Religious MInorities 3. Contemporary Fatawa of Nahdlatul Ulama Between observing the Madhhab anad Adapting the context 4. Dll
Berisi tentang : 1. Pluralism, Fatwa and Court in Indonesia the case of yusman roy 2. Islamist party, Electoral politics and Da'wa mobilization Among Youth the Prosperous justice party ( PKS ) In Indonesia 3. Hazairin's legal Thought and his contribution toward the Indonesian Legal syistem 4. Dll
Berisi tentnag : 1. The tradition of Pluralism , Accomodation , And anti-radicalism in the pesantren Community 2. The School of Ahl al-sunnal wa Al-jama'ah and the attachment of Indonesian muslims to its Doctrines 3. Muslim intelectuals In the Twentieth Century Indonesia 4. Dll
ABSTRAK Qayyimah, 2021, Tuturan Direktif Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak Ainul Falah di Desa Bakiong Guluk-Guluk Sumenep, Skripsi, Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Indonesia, Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura (IAIN), Dosen Pembimbing: Hesty Kusumawati, M. Pd. Kata Kunci: Tuturan Direktif, Guru, Ainul Falah, Penggunaan tuturan direktif yang baik dan sesuai dengan konteks akan menciptak…