Keywords: Writing, Descriptive text , Model, Mind Map Descriptive text is one of the materials in learning English, descriptive text containing the description of a particular object place or even so that in be felt, seen, read, and heard. SMAN 1 Galis is a school located in Konang Galis Pamekasan where this school applies a mind map (concept map) this is because the use of this mind …
Keywords: Bilingual Method, Young Learner, Kindergarten The bilingual method is the application of a curriculum that uses two languanges,namely english and indonesian,so students get two lessons at once,namely the curriculum lessons that are taught as well as the foreign languange lessons that are applied.while bilingual is someone who is able to use two langueages or can understand he…
Keywords: children song, sentence pattern (simple sentence), young learners Songs play an important role in the development of young kids learning second language. A testament to this is the frequency with which songs are used in English language teaching classroom all over the world. Children song is a group of beautiful words in which there are a message to be conveyed to individuals…
Key Words: Difficulties, Online Teaching, Pandemic Covid-19. Difficulties or problems are something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved. The problem in teaching is also sometimes experienced by teacher or lecturer. This happens due to 2 factors, namely internal factors and external factors. The purpose of this study is to find out what problems are experienced by l…
Keywords : student’s perceptions, english songs, speaking Most students of MTS Miftahul Qulub Polagan, have difficulty in learning speaking English, they have difficulties such as wrong pronunciation, lack of vocabulary, feels boring in learning, etc. The teacher needs to make teaching and learning activities more effective, one of that is by using English songs in the teaching and l…
Keyword: Teachers Created Song, Young Learner, Vocabulary Teachers created song is one of media that used by IPPM Institute course in teaching vocabulary for young learner. This song have made by the teacher self before teaching their students without imitate or taken from another website. By using this teachers created song, it have been shown how creative the teacher. There are three…
Keywords : Teaching Methods, Difficulties of students. A method is a whole plan in presenting the material with the teaching applied by the teacher because a method is a systematic plan in presenting the material that must be in line with the underlying approach. Teaching methods describe the approach, design, and procedure. The approach, as previously explained, is something related to …
Keywords: Snake and Ladder Game, Teacing Vocabulary, SMP Nurul Abror Snake and Ladder Game is game that is used by the teacher tin teaching vocabulary to improve the vocabulary of the students in order to make the students easy in learning and memorizing the vocabulary because the teacher there used one of the game that is very familiar to play but the concept of this games aim is to m…
Keywords: Direct Reading Thinking Activity, Teaching, Reading Direct reading thinking activity is a strategy that encourage students to use their minds while reading a text. It guides students to ask questions based on what they read, make predictions on the story line and read further to confirm if their predictions were right. The researcher has two focuses. First, how does the teach…
Keyword: Students’ Writing Skill, Descriptive Text, Chain Writing Method Chain writing method is one of a method that used in teaching writing in English lesson. The use of this method can help teacher in students at seventh grade of SMP Negeri 1 Batumarmar. In addition, the students’ become easier in writing descriptive text because students’ works with their groups, students’ a…
Keyword: Writing, Argumentative Essay, Mind Mapping, Difficulties. Mind mapping is a method of mapping the form of thinking in the form of writing or images as a goal to maximize the potential of thinking. Mind mapping itself in English is often used in making an essay that expresses an opinion to process the author's thoughts by using the concept. There are three objectives in this stu…
Keywords: Vocabulary, Visual Media, Puppet The use of other media hand puppets in learning English vocabulary is a strategy used by English teachers in class VII SMPN 1 Pamekasan that connects the story or material read or delivered to students, where teachers convey the media hand puppets. give examples of vocabulary pronunciation, then ask students to repeat it. After that, the teacher…
Kata Kunci: Metode bercerita, Perkembangan bahasa anak Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh ketertarikan peneliti dalam mengungkapkan yang dilakukan oleh pihak RA. Asy-Syuhada’ Pamekasan dalam implementasi metode bercerita dalam mengembangkan aspek kemampuan berbahasa anak usia dini dengan demikian penelitian ini akan berusaha untuk mengetahui bagaimana Implementasi Metode Bercerita d…
Kata Kunci: Metode Cerita, Keterlambatan Berbicara (Speech Delay), Anak Usia Dini Peneliti mengambil pembahasan tentang menerapkan metode cerita pada anak yang (speech delay) yang menurut peneliti layak dibahas dan dipermasalahkan. Menerapkan metode cerita pada anak yang mengalami keterlambatan dalam berbicara sangat penting dilakukan agar anak dapat berbicara dengan baik dan benar. Memi…
Kata Kunci: Penggunaan Metode At-Tanzil Dalam Mengembangkan Membaca Al-Qur’an Penelitian ini di latar belakangi oleh ketertarikan peneliti untuk memperdalam tentang penggunaan metode At-Tanzil dalam mengembangkan membaca Al-Qur’an, berbicara tentang mengembangkan, anak usia tiga sampai enam tahun adalah usia yang tepat dalam melakukan sebuah pembelajaran Al-Qur’an lebih tepatny…