Keywords: Types of Learning Speaking; Strategy In Speaking English During pandemic era, process of learning is conducting outside the classroom via online. There are many types of learning strategies used by the students’ to improving their English speaking skills by using the internet and smart phone. The strategies and activities that doing by the students are different based on th…
Key words: Speaking, approach and cooperative . A theory is a second perspective about motivation that has important implications for education and for teaching practices. From this perspective, teaching is viewed as driven by teachers' efforts to integrate theory and practice. So, first, the teacher must know what theories / assumptions will be used in the teaching-learning method lat…
Keywords: Online Learning Atmosphere, Speaking Class, English Department Online learning is distance or home learning. All students do activities learn to teach like in classes at their own home. This way to determine the coronavirus that is affecting the world's population including Indonesia. Not only in Indonesia, but some parts of the world also apply this distance learning. The …
Keywords: speaking skill, English movie, covid-19, second semester students. IAIN Madura During the covid-19 pandemic, make the rules of education have change where students have to study online at home. For English students there are many ways they can continue to learn their speaking skill, such as watching English movie. From this phenomenon, this research focus on the ways of lear…
Keywords: Speaking Skill, MA Miftahul Qulub, Individual Presentation. Speaking is oral skill that use to communicate with others and to send the message from the speaker to the listener. MA Miftahul Qulub is a boarding school located in Polagan Galis Pamekasan where the English teacher implements individual presentation to deliver the topic to the listener in speaking class.The implementatio…
Keywords : Students’ Perception, Speaking Ability, Memorizing Vocabulary Speaking is ability that is used by all creatures including people and using vocabulary according to their respective countries, so it takes a good and appropriate communication to be understood. And there are several perceptions of students to easily understand the ability to speak in English by memorizing vocabu…
Keywords: The Correlation, Grammar Mastery, Speaking Skill The importance of grammatical knowledge in English of speaking skill is already a matter of necessity in the learning a language. Therefore, this study constitutes of the research about The Correlation between Students’ Grammar Mastery and Students’ Speaking Skill at The Eleventh Grade of SMA Tahfidh Putri Al-Amien Prenduan…
Keywords:Talking Stick Method, Speaking In Indonesia, English has become one of the mandatory materials in learning from junior high school to university levels. In which learning there are four main aspects, namely listening, reading, speaking and writing. Based on this aspect speaking is the main aspect in mastering the foreign language being studied. Speaking a foreign language for …
Keywords: speaking, outdoor learning, student’s respond. Latansa is a course that uses outdoor learning in speaking English. The purpose of the study was to know the learning process of speaking English class by tutors at Latansa in using outdoor learning and what were the students' responses to the tutor’s use of outdoor learning in speaking English. Based on this research, the rese…
Key words: Self-efficacy, Speaking Achievement In the third semester of TBI IAIN Madura, some of students do not believe with their abilities. It relates with their level of self-efficacy which is influence their successful in doing a particular task given by the teacher. For instance, in speaking subject the students think that they cannot do the task well that make them difficult to …
Key word : Students Anxiety, and Public Speaking Student anxiety is a student activity in public such as in front of the class, in crowds, seminars, course. Students anxiety is a student who feels anxiety when speaking in front of many people so that from this anxiety makes students feel uneasy, not focused in public speaking. There are two research problems, the firts research problem is the…
Key word : Night competitions routine and speaking skill. Night competition are routine student talent show which are held every Friday night, and night competition are similar to show, but the night competition focus more on students creativity and its realization every Friday night in one week. This study aims todo the more the students join night competitions the better the student…
Keyword: Spelling, Speaking Skill Spelling is one of basic component in learning English that should be mastered to make learners more fluent in their speaking. But learning spelling is not easy because learner should memorize the sound and the letter of word. Moreover, English language is as the second language. Sometimes, their accent and their pronunciation are still influenced. …
ABSTRAK Aniyatul Jannah, 2019, Implementasi Bernyanyi Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Icebreaking untuk Kecakapan Berbicara Bahasa Inggrid Kelas Lima MI Nurul Jadid Karay Ganding Sumenep. Skripsi, Jurusan Tarbiyah, Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI), Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura (IAIN Madura), Pembimbing : Wahab Syakhirul Alim, M.Pd. Kata Kunci :Impementasi Bernyanyi Bahasa Inggris Sebagai Ice Breaki…
ABSTRACT Khoirun Nisa’, Indah, 2021, The Responses of Students towards English Native Speaker Teaching Method at Online Intermediate Speaking Class of Titik Nol English Course, Thesis, English Teaching Learning (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Madura, Advisor : Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty, M.Pd Keywords : Student Response, English Native Speaker, Teaching Method Currently…
ABSTRAK Kamilatus Siyadah, 2021, The Correlation between Multi Grade Teaching and Students’ confidence in Speaking Class at Putri Dharma Course, Skripsi, Program Studi Tadris Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Madura, Pembimbing: Achmad Baidawi, M.Pd. Kata kunci: Multi Grade Teaching, Students’ confidence, English Kids, Putri Dharma Course Berbicara me…
v ABSTRACT Hidayat Walidi, 2020. The Use of English Song in Practising Speaking Fluency of The Stedents’ Eleventh Grade at MA Al Aliyah Camplong Sampang. Under graduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura. Advisor: Fadilah, M.Pd. Keywords: English Song, Speaking Practising Speaking is one of the central elements of communication. I…
ABSTRAK Maratus Sholehah, 2020, Penggunaan Teknik Brainstorming dalam Mengajar Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa Kelas Delapan MTs Ummul Quro Putri, Program Belajar dan Mengajar Bahasa Inggris (TBI), Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura, Pembimbing: Hasan Basri, M.Pd. Kata kunci: Berbicara, Teknik brainstorming Berbicara selalu menjadi keahlian yang sangat menarik karena seb…
ABSTRACT Annita Triyana, 2020, The Correlation Between Metacognitive Strategy and Speaking Skill at 8th Grade Student of MTsN 2 Pamekasan, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, The State Islamic Institute of Madura, Advisor : Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd. keywords: speaking, metacognitive strategy Speaking is one of the important point to communicate and express our ideas,…