Correlation Between The Students Ability in Scanning English Text and Students Reading Comprehension at Second Semester of English Education Program of STAIN Pamekasan
Hosnol Khotimah, 2012, Correlation Between The Students Ability in Scanning English Text and Students Reading Comprehensionat Second Semester of English Education Program of STAIN Pameksan. Undergreduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The Stated of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Hj. S. SumihatulUmmah, Ms. M.Pd
Key Word:Scanning,Engilsh Text and Reading Comprehension
Scanning is very high speed rising when the students scan. In fact, scanning is very infortant to develop knowledge quickly; scanning is new strategy of reading, especially reading comprehension. Scanning help the students to read quickly, by scanning the students will not read word by word and students will understand the meaning of the text. If the students know the meaning of the text, the students can understannd what the contnet of text quickly and the students can answer quickly if the lecturer question. The purpose of scanning will help the students to find some information quickly.
Reading comprehension is essentially a complex of mental process involving there basic areas. From a series or point out symbols. Establish the organazation of these ideas and the react to them good emotionally and intellectually.
The problem of this research “is wheatherany correlation between the students ability in scanning english text and students reading comprehension at second semester of english education program of STAIN Pamekasan ”. This research is to know correlation between students ability in scanning english text and students reading comprehension at second semester of STAIN Pamekasan.
The researcher used quantitative approach with experimental design by using statistical method namely correlation coefficient r product moment. The population of this researchis students of the second semester of english education program of STAIN Pamekasan academic year 2011/2012 which consist of 123 students, while the sample is 20% of the population which taken by using random sampling. The sample has been being take in one class namely D class where the total of sample is 34 students. To collect the data, the researcher usedtest, observation and documenttation. The test which used by the researcher is reading comprehension by using scanning english text and reading comprehension. To analyze the dat, the researcher used pearson product moment formula.
The result of this research showed that the correlation of students ability in scanning english text and students reading comprehension at the second semester of english education program of STAIN Pamekasan is enough or medium. It was proved from the result of correlation r product moment for n=34 students was score (0,062) and higher than the table of coefficient correlation rate of “r” product moment of significant level between 5% is 0,325 or 1% is 0,418. Furthermore, for rate of “r” n=34 got score (0,062) is consulted with the table interpretation of coefficient correlation r product moment in interpretation 0,40- 0,70 is enough or medium interpretation.
Based on the result of this research above, the alternative hyphothesis of this research is reseaived and the null hyphothesis is rejected. It mean that there is correlation between students abiity in scanning english text and students reading comprehension at second semester of english educationprogram of STAIN Pamekasan.
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