Arifin, Zainal, 2012, An Analysis of Human Values in Michael Heart’s Songs Lyric on Yusuf Qardhawi’s Perspective. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching-Learning Program (PBI), The State of Islamic Collage (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Abd, Gofur. M.Pd.
Key word: Literature, Song, and Human Values
There are two reasons that influence the researcher analyze Michael Heart’s songs. The first about the human condition which almost lose some values of humanity. The second about song its self. There many songs what composed but not all of songs encompassing moral education such as Michael Heart’s songs. His songs contains human values which are applied in five songs. They are We will not go down, Freedom, Finally free, What will it take, and Living in sin. In this case the researcher would like to analyze human values of this songs based on Yusuf Qardhawi’s perspective. Focus of the study are human values in Michael Heart’s songs and how human values expressed in Yusuf Qardhaiw’s perspective and then giving descriptive explanation how human values delivered in Michael Heart’s songs. The objective of the study is to find out human values in Michael Heart’s song and describe human values in Michael Heart’s song on Yusuf Qardhawi’s perspective.
The approach of the study is qualitative while the research method used in this study is descriptive research; qualitative research here means that the researcher describe the data in the form of words. The data was taken from five songs of Michael Heart mentioned above. The instrument used in this study is researcher himself. He has searched, and then read the data contains human values then analyze the data carefully about human values in Michael Heart’s songs on Yusuf Qardhawi’s perspective. The result of the analysis are some findings that correlated with human values such as; Science, Charity, Freedom, Deliberation, Justice and Brotherhood. They are the pillars of human values which has been found in Yusuf Qardhawi’s perspective. Human values its self found in almost every songs of Michael Heart. This values was delivered by simple word so that makes easier a hearer to get some moral education.
In conclusion the researcher found human values in Michael Heart’s songs. Human values its self has defined as respecting to human right and human dignity whether their freedom, independence, reputation, existence, to take care their life, their properties, and their family in position as individual or as member of society. Furthermore the researcher found this values in five songs of three albums.
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