Teaching Vocabulary Through Cartoon Movies As Media at The First Grade Of SDI Al-Munawwarah Pamekasan
Suhartini, 2012, Teaching Vocabulary Through Cartoon Movies As Media at The First Grade Of SDI Al-Munawwarah Pamekasan.Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: SitiAzizah, M.Pd.
Keywords: Teaching Vocabulary and Cartoon movies as media
Vocabulary is the important element in learning foreign language such as English that every student needs to achieve in acquiring. English is taught as compulsory subject for elementary school. The students need the special attention in learning foreign language as the target language such as English especially for students who begin learning English at elementary school, because mastering English cannot be reached in a short time. It becomes problem because the student think that it is hard to study English as equal as Indonesian in which spelling, pronounciation and vocabularyare very different.
Teaching English to elementary school student is not easy, because the elementary school students are categorized as young students which their characteristics are easy to be bored. They are less interested in learning materials that only focus on hand book. They need the variation in learning activities such as the involvement in using media on teaching and learning process that can motivate the students in learning activities, so that the students are avoided from to be bored
The focuses of this study is how does the teacher use cartoon movies as media in teaching vocabulary at the first grade of SDI Al-Munawwarah Pamekasan, the objective is to know and describe the use of cartoon movies as media in teaching vocabulary at the first grade of SDI AL-MunawwarahPamekasan
This research used qualitative approach, while the research method applied in this study is descriptive research. The qualitative approach here is to describe the data based on phenomena in the form of words. The data is taken from the English teacher in teaching vocabulary through cartoon movies and Dora Explorer movie as media. The instruments are interview, observation and documentation. In this research, the researcher collects, classifies, analyzes and she draws a conclusion.
The result of analyzing data shows that the English teacher at the first grade of SDI AL-Munawwarah who use cartoon movies that is Dora Explorer movie as media in teaching English vocabulary get positive response from the student it is proved by the student’s expression who are enthusiast and active when the teacher apply a cartoon movies as media in teaching vocabulary. She demonstrates and illustrates the meaning of target language by using real objects from the Dora Explorer movie. So that, the students can guesses the meaning of target language easily.
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