The Analysis of Religious values on Upin and Ipin Film on Yusuf Al-Qardhawi's perpective
Saiful Bahri, 2012, The Analysis of Religious values on Upin and Ipin Film on Yusuf Al-Qardhawi's perpective, Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), The State of Islamic college (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Mulyadi, SS. M.Pd
Keywords: Upin and Ipin Film, Religious, Yusuf Al- Qardhawi's Perspective
Upin and Ipin film is a film that the story is simple, educated and uphold the ethics of good manner. Many things can be found in the film, such as religious values, social and cultural relation. This film is different with another animation film, while a lot of them present criminal, fight, sex and etc. Yusuf Al-Qardhawi is a Muslim scholar who comes from Egypt. He is as a Mujtahid in this modern era. Many of his statements that were issued are used as reference material for problem that occurs.
Based on the fact above, so there are two problem that become research focus in this research, namely: the first, what are religious values on Upin and Ipin film; the second, how the religious values on Upin and Ipin film on Yusuf Al-Qardhawi's perspective.
This research uses qualitative approach and uses content analysis as kind of research. The data source are Upin and Ipin film on episode one until four. All of episode is English version. To collect the data, researcher uses observation by decoding the dialogue into transcription. The observation is conducted to identify the religious values on four films. Then researcher display or analyze them in detail about religious values based on Yusuf Al-Qardhawi's perspective.
The result of analyzing the data shows the religious values on Upin and Ipin film and religious values on Upin Ipin film on Yusuf Al-Qardhawi's perspective. The religious on Upin and Ipin film, the researcher found eleven religious values in episode one, five in episode two, six in episode three and five in episode four. The religious values on Upin Ipin film on Yusuf Al-Qardhawi's perspective, researcher found twenty three religious values in different stage on four episodes. They are: in the first stage are eight religious values, in the second stage are five religious values, and in the sixth stage are ten religious values. Researcher did not find religious values in the third, fourth, fifth, and seventh stages. Those all are the finding of this research.
Based on the result above, researcher has three suggestion, namely for educator, for future researcher and for viewer. First, the researcher suggest to educator (teacher and parent) to gives religious education from early. Second, the writer gives some suggestions to future researcher; he or she should add the review of literature (religious, Upin and Ipin film and also another perspective), using a large sample, and more comprehensive scope. Third, The students should try finding the factors that able to make their religion and attitude are balance.
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