The Influence of Parents’ Profession Background to the Students’ English Achievement on the seventh Grade at MTsN Pademawu Pamekasan 1
Rusmaniatil Laili, 2012, The Influence of Parents’ Profession Background to the Students’ English Achievement on the seventh Grade at MTsN Pademawu Pamekasan 1. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (PBI). The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Drs. Mosleh Habibullah, M.Pd.
Keywords: Parents’ Profession Background, Students’ English Achievement.
Students’ Achievement have strong relation with education. Education can do in the family as informal education. Family is an primer and fundamental education where the children start their learning about everytning. In this case parents is the first and the important teacher. If the children want to be success in the school, parents must participate actively in the children academic lives. All of parents of course want their children get better achievement in the school, but every parents have different ways in educate their children. Parents’ profession background maybe one of that influence it.
There are two research problems in the research. The first is do studens whose parents’ profession background is PNS ( educated people ) achieve better in English learning. The second is how is statistically significance the influence of parents’ profession background to the Students’ English Achievement on the seventh grade at MTsN Pademawu Pamekasan 1.
The instruments that used were questionnaire, test, and documentation. Questionnaire was to obtain the data related to parents’ profession background as variable X. While, test was to obtain the data related to student’s Englih achievement as variable Y. The documentation used to collected data related to variable X and variable Y. This research used quantitative approach and the kind of this research was non experimental design, namely correlational study. Data analysis technique that used by researcher was statistical analysis by product moment formula.
The result of this research shows that there is no influence of parents’ profession background to student’sEnglish achievement on the seventh grade at MTsN Pademawu Pamekasan 1 with lowest significance. The result of statistical analysis shows that “r” value is 0,072. It is lower than “r-table” in significance level 5% = 0,361 with N 30. Then the researcher compared it with table of interpretation “r” product moment. It is between interval
0,00 – 0,20 with lowest interpretation.
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