The Application of Controlled and Guided Practice Technique in Learning Speaking English for Young Learners at MI Al - Falah III Larangan Luar Larangan Pamekasan
Mas’odiyah, 2012, The Application of Controlled and Guided Practice Technique in Learning Speaking English for Young Learners at MI Al - Falah III Larangan Luar Larangan Pamekasan. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (PBI), The State of Islamic College (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Hj. S. Sumihatul Ummah MS M.Pd.
Keywords: speaking, young learners controlled and guided practice technique.
Speaking is the most important skill as a foreign language. So that, in the teaching learning speaking especially for young learners, the English teacher need good technique to motivated them. One of appropriate technique that can be functioned to improve the student’s speaking skill is controlled and guided practice technique, this research aims to motivate students speaking by using this technique.
This research is qualitative with kind of descriptive research. There are four research problems. First, how the way to applicate controlled and guided practice technique in learning speaking English for young learners at MI Al - Falah III Larangan Luar Larangan Pamekasan. Second, which parts of controlled and guided practice technique that can motivate student’s activity highly in learning speaking English speaking. Third, how are the student’s language developments. Fourth, what the advantages are of controlled and guided practice technique.
Based on the four research problems above, there are four research objectives. First, to explain the way of controlled and guided practice technique for young learners at MI Al – Fakah III Larangan Luar. Second, to explain the parts of controlled and guided practice technique that motivates students’ activity highly in learning speaking English for young learners at MI Al – Falah III Larangan luar. Third, to describe student’s language development in English speaking at MI Al – falah III Larangan luar. Fourth, to explain the advantages of controlled and guided practice at MI Al – Falah III Larangan luar.
In order to achieve the objectives of this research, the researcher uses the descriptive data and serves the data in descriptive text. The instruments are use in this research such as observation, interview, questionnaire and documentation. Data analysis technique that researcher uses in this research based on Miles and Huberman theories were data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/ verification.
The result of this research showed that controlled and guided practice technique were success in learning speaking English at fifth grade of MI Al - Falah III Larangan Luar Larangan Pamekasan. It could explain that controlled and guided practice technique was very effective to be applicated in speaking class. It could students be more active and more self confidence to show their skill in English. Beside that, the English teacher also has to be more active in selecting teaching technique.
The part of controlled and guided practice technique that could motivate students’ speaking when the English teacher worked with role play in learning speaking. In this part the students could show their abilities in foreign language, they could explore their ideas and their imagination orally.
Controlled and guided practice gave many advantages for the English teacher and for the fifth grade students of MI Al – Falah III Larangan Luar Larangan Pamekasan.
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