Descriptive Study on The Implementation of Constructivist Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension for the Eleventh Grade at SMA Raudlatul Ulum Kapedi
Ilyas Risma, 2012, Descriptive Study on The Implementation of Constructivist Approach in Teaching Reading Comprehension for the Eleventh Grade at SMA Raudlatul Ulum Kapedi. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (PBI), The State of Islamic college (STAIN) Pamekasan. Advisor: Moh. Mashur Abadi, M.Fil.I
Key Word: Teaching, Reading Comprehension, Constructivist Approach.
Teaching is one of action to transfer knowledge to someone consciously. According Irwin said that The teaching reading actually happening when we comprehend what we are reading, so that he is describes five basic comprehension processes that work together simultaneously and complement one another. Therefore, constructivist approach suitable on teaching reading comprehension. It will work together in the classroom like discussion in the classroom.
There are two problem statements in this study. The first is how is the process of the implementation of construvtivist approach in teaching reading comprehension for the eleventh grade of IPA class at SMA Raudlatul ‘Ulum Kapedi. The second is what are the challenge of using constuctivist approach in teaching reading comprehension for the eleventh grade of IPA class at SMA Raudlatul ‘Ulum Kapedi.
The goals of the study is to describe the implementation of using constructivist approach in teaching reading comprehension for the eleventh grade of IPA class at SMA Raudlatul ‘Ulum Kapedi. The next goals of the study is to investigate the challenge of the implementation of constructivist approach in teaching learning process of reading comprehension for the eleventh grade of IPA class at SMA Raudlatul ‘Ulum Kapedi.
This research uses qualitative research and the kind of this research is descriptive research. The data sources got from observation, interview, and documentation. The research conducted about for two weeks, from 28th April –19th May.The informants are the English teacher. In checking the data validity is using triangulation.
The implementation of teaching reading comprehension using constructivist approach at eleventh grade students in SMA Raudlatul ‘Ulum Kapedi that the teacher make a group and give a text as reading material. The student ordered to do discussion with other students until understand to the text. The teacher only give instruction and guiding as long as the students doing class discussion and the last time the teacher give clear up conclusion from the result discussion.
The result showed that the implementation of constructivist approach in teaching reading comprehension makes student motivated and active on the teaching reading comprehension process beside that the class becomes alive and cooperative because all of the students participated in these activities.
Based on these result, it is suggestion that the teacher be creative in teaching reading comprehension by using constructivist approach, so that all students can more active. So that teaching reading comprehension using constructivist approach process makes the situation in the class will be better than before.
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