The Study on Teaching Material in Ennglish Reading at Tenth Grades of MA Nurul Huda Pakandangan Barat Sumenep
Hartatik, 2012, The Study on Teaching Material in Ennglish Reading at Tenth Grades of MA Nurul Huda Pakandangan Barat Sumenep. Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program, Advisor: Mr. Mulyadi, SS.,M.Pd.
Keywords: Teaching material in English reading.
In academicals setting, reading is one of language skill which is taught and reading material, such as in MA Nurul Huda, is provided through teaching material which the teacher provided before the instruction runs. In this case the teaching material is a factor in determining this research. The researcher takes this research because the students there have good skill on comprehension written texts. It is related to the kind of teaching materials provided by the teacher.
There are two main problems in this research. First, the kinds of teaching materials that used by the teacher, for this the teacher used Reading Lesson as material in teaching reading that consists of short story and dialogue. Second, the teaching material that is effective to increase students’ reading comprehension at tenth grades of MA Nurul Huda Pakandangan Barat Sumenep.
In this research, the researcher used qualitative approach with descriptive research. The data were gotten from interview, for this the researcher used structured interview, and observation, for this the researcher used transparent observation. The informants are the English teacher, students, and the others teacher there. And about the validity of the data that did by three techniques, such as: the persistence of observation, triangulation, and make detail report.
The result of this research showed that: the kinds of teaching material that used by the teacher is “Reading Lesson”, which is as handbook for the teacher at tenth grades of MA Nurul Huda, this material consist of short story and dialogues. To help the students’ comprehension of the text, the teacher provided any vocabularies related to the topic that will be learnt. For this, the student at tenth grades of MA has good ability in reading and majority all of them has good comprehension even in English reading. This material is effective teaching material that is increasing the students’ reading comprehension in English reading.
Based on the result above, the researcher can conclude that the teaching material used by the teacher in reading is “Reading Lesson”. It is the effective teaching material that consists of short story and dialogues which are make students easy and interest to learn it. So the teacher should be continued it as a resource in teaching reading, but she should provide the teaching material variously and interest, to increases students’ reading comprehension.
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