The College students’ Ability in Writing English Sentence for Writing Subject I at The Third Semester of TBi STAIN Pamekasan Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program
Nurul Qomariyah 2011,The College students’ Ability in Writing English Sentence for Writing Subject I at The Third Semester of TBi STAIN Pamekasan Thesis, Tarbiyah Department, English Teaching Learning Program, Advisor Drs. Mosleh Habibullah, M.Pd.
Key words: writing ability, English sentence
There are three basic problems that the researcher wants to discuss, they are; how is the college students’ ability in writing English sentence, what are the college students’ difficulties in writing English sentence, and what are the college students’ errors in writing English sentence especially those students in A class of third semester of TBI STAIN Pamekasan in the academic year of 2009/2010.
The objectives of the study are; to find out how is the students’ ability in writing English sentence, what are the students’ difficulties in writing English sentence, and what are the students’ error n writing English sentence.
Thisresearchusesa qualitative approach. The dataobtained byinterviewsanddocumentations, thenthe datawere analyzedwithdescriptiveanalysis, after whichalldataischecked forvaliditybytriangulation.
Based on research results indicate that the ability of third semester students’ ability in writing English sentence was good enough, although they still have weaknesses in terms of grammar, vocabulary and some other skills that should be owned by the student in writing. This is evidenced by their ability to achieve the goal of teaching writing. While students’ difficulties in writing English sentences are: first, lack of control over many vocabularies, and grammar. Second, the lack of written exercises, lack of ideas due to lack of reading and sharing with friends. And the last is the influence of the mother tongue into English. While theerrorthat is oftendonebystudentsinwritingare: firstis thevocabularythatincludes: spelling, wrongpartofspeech, anddiction, the secondis agrammarthatincludes: subjectandverbagreementandtenseorverb, the thirdis thepoorpunctuationincluding: thecommasplice, therun-onsentence, missinga fullstopandthelastis the sentence fragment, including: missing subject, missing verb, and missing the main clause.
Based on the research result can be explained that the college students ability in writing English sentence was good enough. It is proved by their ability to achieve the goal of teaching writing which is stated in the competence indicators that given by the lecturer although they still have weaknesses in terms of grammar, vocabularies, and punctuation.
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