The Correlation Between Students’ Rewriting Story of A New Breed of Hero by Ayman Jamal and Their Vocabulary Mastery at The Eleventh Grade of MA Masaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan
Key Words:The Correlation, Rewriting Story, Vocabulary Mastery
Writing is one of language skills that are not easy to do. This is because the
knowledge of language pattern and vocabulary which they have is low. Vocabulary is one of
the English components that are needed to be mastered by the students. When the students are
learning a new language into four language skills that are listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. Without vocabulary, it is difficult for the students to express their opinions, ideas,
and feelings. Besides that, most of the students do not have strong motivation to learn
English. Therefore, the teacher must have alternative way to attact students’ interest to be
more active in learning process.
In this the researcher used quantitative approach by using correlational design. The
population is The Eleventh Grade of MA Masaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan, which
consist of 30 students. The researcher uses test and documentation as the instruments of
gathering data and uses product moment’s pattern to analyze the data.
The result of this research showed that there is correlation between the Students’
Rewriting Story of A New Breed of Hero and Their Vocabulary Mastery at The Eleventh
Grade of MA Masaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan. It is proved after knowing the result of
data analysis and comparing with the table of correlation’s value “r” product moment. The
result is alternative hypothesis is b accepted which the significance 5%. It is proved that the
obtained r
xy is higher than the value of rtable (rxy : 0,446> rtable : 0,361). So, there is correlation
between students’ rewriting story of A New Breed of Hero and their vocabulary mastery at
the eleventh grade of MA Masaratul Huda Panempan Pamekasan have enough significant.
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