Analysis Of Students’ Anxiety On 3 Idiots Film In Spielberger’s Perspective
Keywords: Student Anxiety , “3 idiots” Film, Spielberger’s perspective
Anxiety is not a strange phenomenon to be found. In fact, it seems normal
especially among college students. This happens a lot in several countries as
evidenced by the news or in the form of research on this issue. There are factors
that cause student anxiety, both from outside such as family or factor from academic
system itself. Which is where many student can not control it so that it interferes
with their thoughts which causes innectiveness of the brain’s performance in
receiving lesson or information because it is always haunted by anxiety.
Regarding the student’s anxiety, the researcher analyzed the film “3 Idiots”
using spielberger’s perspective. Spielberger’s classifies there are 2 types of anxiety,
namely state anxiety and trait anxiet. While there are main factors for the emergence
of anxiety according to spielberger namely uncertainty, helplessness, future
The research uses qualitative approach with content analysisas the type of
research. The main source used by the researcher is the movie “3 Idiots” to get the
data. To collect the data researchers use observation and documentation.
The results shows there are two types of anxiety based on Spielberger’s
perpective. In the form of stait anxiety which consists of anxious when he wants to
face his father, anxious for fear of not passing the test, anxious because he is called
to the front plus humiliated and insulted in front of many students, anxious because
he is called to the principle’s room and expelled from campus, anxious because he
is not graduated. The second trait anxiety which consists of worrying about having
to face many tasks and worrying about the future. And there are 3 main factors that
caused anxiety, namely : 1. feeling of uncertainty that consists : a. Uncertainty
about his future because always got low scores. b. the unceratainty his father would
allow to become a photographer. c. Uncertainty can pass the exam. 2. Feeling
helplessness that consists : a. Feeling helplessness when they can not do anything
when they are expelled from campus or when they are not graduated. b. Feeling
helplessness when it must face many campus assignments. c. Helplessness when
insulted and humiliated by his lecturer in front of many students. 3. Future
orientations . it means of each of the above feelings have a bad impact on him.
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