The Implementation of Corrective Feedback In Writing Recount Text For Ninth Grades Of Junior High School Al-Khairot Robetal Sampang
Keyword: Corrective Feedback, Writing, Recount Text
Giving corrective feedback is one of the important techniques in helping he student
writers improve their writing pieces, it help the students to improve their writing. If the mistake
are ignored in the early stages without given any feedback, it will be more difficult to deal with
them later on. Therefore, it should be given because it is helpful for learners. If the teacher
corrects the mistakes of the students’ writing. It will help the students learn the mistakes on their
writing. Learning their teacher’s feedback will help the students avoid those mistakes in the
future. This is one of the positive effects of the teacher’s feedback
There are two types of research focuses in this study. First, how does the teacher
impelement corrective feedback in writing recount text for ninth drade of junior high school
robatal sampang and second what are the advantages of implementing corrective feedback in
writing recount text for ninth grade of junior high school robatal sampang
The researcher used a qualitative approach with a descriptive kind of research.
Researched obtained data from, interview and documents such as photographs and writing result.
The research informants were the students’s in the VII grade of SMPN 2 Pamekasan academic
year 2023.
Based on the result of the study, Based on the interview the teacher used direct and
indirect corrective feedback. In direct corrective feedback the lecturer correcting the recount text
orally in classroom. the English teacher correct the recount text well written, spelling, grammar
and organization. There are suitable with the theory Ellis journal of English studies. Based on the
observation and interview, the researcher found that the teacher gave direct corrective feedback
in two types: oral direct corrective feedback and written direct corrective feedback. Oral
feedback is mostly considered to happen between a teacher and students. Oral feedback is
usually done during a task. It is sometimes underestimated because it is less formal, but it can be
very powerful and effective tool as it can be provided easily in the “teachable moment” and in
timely way. Oral feedback made the learning situation more responsive. The students with some
problems of expressing their feeling because of affraid for being wrong or asking some materials
they didn’t understand before, by implementating direct corrective feedback, they were more
confident for it. They started giving a positive feedback which was good for them in
understanding the lesson and the correct structure on writing
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