The Implementation of Project-Based Learning Model Using Procedural Text Material For Speaking skill For Ninth Graders At SMPN 8 Pamekasan
Keywords: Project-Based Learning, Speaking skill, Procedure text
Project-based learning is a method that allows students to choose their own projects.
This research aims to know the implementation and the dificulties of implementing projectbased learning model using procedural text material for Ninth Graders of SMPN 8 Pamekasan.
The type of research used is qualitative descriptive research which is carried out in
natural conditions, about what actually happens in accordance with what is in the field of study.
The researchers would explain the implementation of Project-Based learning using procedural
text material for speaking skill for ninth graders and the difficulty of implementing the ProjectBased learning.at SMPN 8 Pamekasan. The data are collected by observation. interviews, and
Data analysis uses Miles Huberman techniques.
The results showed that the implementation of project-based learning using procedural
text material for speaking skill of ninth graders at SMPN 8 Pamekasan had gone well. Teachers
have the freedom to design learning according to student needs. Teaching English speaking
through project-based learning in an interesting, fun, and relaxed situation increases students'
interest in learning English is a good result. This is also provide opportunities for students to
be more creative and engage in interactions. In addition, project-based learning activities have
made students build knowledge and think critically
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