The Correlation Between Social Media and Vocabulary Mastering By Millennial Students Since Pandemic in State Junior High School 2 Pamekasan
Key Words: Correlation, Social Media, Vocabulary Mastering.
Social Media is an internet based technology that is used by most
individuals to interact and communicated via gadgets. According to researchers
conducted by Zahirah Zainal and Noor Hanim Rahmat was stated “due to the
diverse avenues in which social media have brought, learners are able to enhance
their language skill. Meanwhile, vocabulary is one of the most important elements
in language learning. Therefore, researcher are finding out for is there a
correlation of social media and vocabulary mastering? As already was stated by
Cahyono and Widiati “every educated individual has a unique strategy in
understanding foreign words” So, using social media is also seen as a strategy to
increase the English language vocabulary” The aim of this research was to find
out is there a correlation of social media and vocabulary mastering by millennial
students. This researcher employed correlation method by using quantitative
approach. There are two variables in this research. Social media as independent
variable (variable X) and vocabulary mastering as dependent variable (variable
Y). The research problem of this research is The correlation between the high use
of social media, will be the higher the vocabulary mastering by millennial
students at 9th grades students since pandemic in state Junior High School 2
Pamekasan ? and How significant the contribution of social media to vocabulary
mastering by millennial students at 9th grades students since pandemic in state
Junior High School 2 Pamekasan ?
The social media was obtained from the questionnaire while the students
vocabulary mastering was obtained from a test result. The population of this
research involving millennial students of Junior High School 2 Pamekasan with
limitations during pandemic with online test to all of the class 9th students of
Junior High School 2 Pamekasan as many as 8 classes with a total of 186 students
and selected randomly as representatives of each class with a lot of each class
there are 7 samples, 8 samples and 9 samples which produce a total sample of the
result of Slovin’s formula, which is 65 overall samples with proportional random
sampling technique.
From the result, it was found out that the mean of the scores of the social
media is 122.64. The mean of the scores of the vocabulary mastering test is 86.07.
From the result of correlation calculation by SPSS 20.0 it can ben seen that the
value of correlation is 0.4224 which interpreted as positive correlation in
moderate level. While the contribution of social media to vocabulary mastering
was 17, 8084 % or less.
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