the Application of Weekly Conversation in learning speaking English at third grade students of MA Nurulhuda Pakandangan Bluto
Keywords: Application, Weekly Conversation, Speaking English
Weekly Conversation is some student’s weekly program in Nurulhuda
Boarding School Pakandangan Bluto for learning speaking English. This program
is obligation from this boarding school Pakandangan Bluto, that doing on
Thursday morning. Conversation for third grade students This conversation
include two groups, in every group there are 5 person to communicate by using
English language suitable with theme that gave by English teacher.
There are three research focuses in this study. The first is How does the
English teacher applicate the Weekly conversation in learning speaking English at
rd Grade students of MA Nurulhuda Boarding School Pakandangan Bluto. The
seond is What are the advantages of weekly conversation in learning speaking
English at 3rd Grade students of MA Nurulhuda Boarding School Pakandangan
Bluto. And the last is How are the students responces of weekly conversation in
learning speaking English at 3rd Grade students of MA Nurulhuda Boarding
School Pakandangan Bluto.
In this research, the researcher uses qualitative as an approach of this
research. The researcher used three instruments in collecting the data; observation,
interview, and documentation. For analyzing the data, the researcher uses data
condensation, data display, and verifying conclusion. Then the researcher uses
triangulation of data source in checking the validity of data.
The result of this research that found by the researcher are: weekly
conversation is weekly program that following by third grade students of MA
Nurulhuda. This conversation include two groups, in every group there are 5
person . The application of weekly conversation have many advantages for third
grade students in learning speaking English. the advantages are they can speak
English by English accent, they feel easier to understand English lesson, they feel
confident to speak English and ect. And this weekly conversation have 2
responses, good responses and not good responses. 8 person give good responses
and 2 person give not good responses. The good responses are they can feel many
benefits during following the weekly conversation. For not good responses,
because they don’t practice consistently their spoken in their daily conversation.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the students, the students
have knowledge about how to speak English correctly by using weekly
conversation as the process. It is suggested for English teacher This research is
expeted to give the English teacher on controlling student’s spoken, and give
much motivation to active in speaking, don’t just be a listener but also be a
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