The Use Of Puppets In Teaching Vocabulary In Seventh G Grade At SMPN 1 Pamekasan 2021-2022
Keywords: Vocabulary, Visual Media, Puppet
The use of other media hand puppets in learning English vocabulary is a strategy used by
English teachers in class VII SMPN 1 Pamekasan that connects the story or material read or
delivered to students, where teachers convey the media hand puppets. give examples of vocabulary
pronunciation, then ask students to repeat it. After that, the teacher and the student together read
the vocabulary given in the material.
Based on this, the researchers made two focus problems in this study. First, how the teacher
in using hand puppets in learning English vocabulary in Grade Seven G SMPN 1 Pamekasan.
Second, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using hand puppets in learning English
vocabulary in Grade Seven G SMPN 1 Pamekasan.
Researchers use a qualitative approach to the type of research that is descriptive.
Researchers collected data from observation, documentation, and interviews which were then
checked for hand puppets in vocabulary learning and analyzed the results of use using qualitative
analysis procedures.
The results of this study, the use of hand puppets in learning English vocabulary used by
teachers easily understood by students in learning English Vocabulary. In this strategy, the teacher
is able to apply the strategy of using hand puppets in learning English vocabulary by using the
correct procedures. So that this strategy can stimulate student enthusiasm, student enthusiasm, and
student thinking which will bring up the spirit of learning English Vocabulary.
Suggestions for teachers the use hand puppets in teaching English Vocabulary need to
choose the right strategy. The strategy of using hand puppet media is one option that can help
students in awakening the spirit of learning they experience
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