he Analysis of Main Character’s Internal Conflicts In Fangirl’s Novel By Rainbow Rowell”.
Keywords: Novel, Main Character, Conflict, Internal Conflict.
Novel is one branch of literary works. Fangirl is a novel telling about the
introvert girl that faced her new life in a college. Fangirl is a novel that researcher
had been analyzed because the main character of the novel have internal conflict
that influenced by her personality. This novel consists of thirty eight chapters.
The researcher focus on two things, namely about the internal conflicts are
faced by the main character and how the influence of internal conflicts in Fangirl
novel into the characteristic of main character itself.
In this research, the researcher used the library research and psychological
approach. The main data source in this research is obtained from Fangirl novel
written by Rainbow Rowell. The researcher used source triangulation to analyze
the Fangirl novel.
The results in this research indicate that the researcher found several
internal conflicts experienced by Cather Avery as the main character in the novel.
The internal conflicts that she experience was approach-approach conflict,
avoidance-avoidance conflict, single approach-avoidance conflict, and double
approach-avoidance conflict. Researcher also found the influence from the
internal conflict experienced by the main character, namely positive and negative
influence. The positive influence is obtained in the form of being able to choose
which is the best choice and an increase in individual performance while the
negative influence are in the form of impaired communication and resistance to
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