Analysis Cognitive Learning Theories Used by English Teacher in Teaching Pronunciation in English Subject at The Eighth Grade in SMPI At-Tablighiyah East Ponjanan Batumarmar
Keywords: Cognitive Learning Theories, English Subject, The Most Popular of Cognitive
Learning Theories
Cognitive learning theory is the process of giving new knowledge to adjust the
knowledge already possessed by the student. Cognitive is a problem that involves the ability to
develop rational (sense) abilities, which in the teacher learning process would like students new
knowledge with the student’s old knowledge. The teacher used Cognitive Learning Theories
during teaching learning process to help in delivering the material
There are two research focus in this study. The first one is what are the type of cognitive
learning theories used to analyze pronunciation ability in English subject at the eighth grade in
SMPI At-Tablighiyah. And the second is what is the most popular of cognitive learning theories
used by the teacher in teaching pronunciation in English subject at the eighth grade in SMPI
In this research, the researcher uses qualitative as an approach of this research. The
researcher uses three instruments in collecting the data; observation, interview, and
documentation. For analyzing the data, the researcher uses data condensation, data display, and
verifying conclusion. Then the researcher uses triangulation of data source in checking the
validity of data.
The result of this research that found by the researcher are: the first, there are three
types of Cognitive Learning Theories that used by English teacher in English subject during
teaching learning process, namely lerner-centered which 05 data, learning throught discovery
which 03 data and personalized learning which 03 data. Second, from all the kind of cognitive
learning theories that use by the teacher Learner-Centered becoming the most widely used
theory by the teacher in teaching pronunciation ability in classroom. Than with learning
through discovery and personalized learning.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for the students by understanding the types of
Cognitive Learning Theories that used by English teacher, the students can avoid
mispronuncing in interpreting their English teacher. It is suggested for English teachers this
research is expeted to give the English teachers an insight about types of Cognitive Learning
Theories and the response of the students when English teachers used Cognitive Learning
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