firu>n )109( Verses 1-6 Perspective of M. Quraish Shihab in Tafsῐr al-Mishba>h) Thesis , Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) Master Program (S2) Postgraduate IAIN Madura, Supervisor: Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd.I and Dr. Muhammad Thaha, M.Pd. Keywords: Moderation values, Islamic education, Quraish Shihab. Moderation as a new term is an inherent characteristic of Muslims as a manifestation of wasathiyyah which can position itself as a moderate group by being able to be fair and in the middle, not extreme right and not extreme left between the turmoil of conservatism and liberalism in Islam and Indonesianness today. This study aims to describe the thoughts of M. Quraish Shihab about the values of moderation in Islamic education, especially regarding his interpretation of the QS. Al-Baqarah (2) verse 143 and QS. al-Ka>firu>n (109) verses 1-6 in Tafsῐr al-Mishba>h. The author assumes that Shihab's values of moderation are in a central position in this purpose. Through descriptive-analytic method, the focus of this research is to examine how M. Quraish Shihab's conception of moderation in QS. Al-Baqarah (2) verse 143 and QS. al-Ka>firu>n (109) verses 1-6 can be used as a barometer to evaluate Islamic education including curriculum and others, whether it is in accordance with the moderation perceived by Shihab or vice versa. This research found: 1) The emergence of the idea of moderation by M. Quraish Shihab indicates moderate to Muslims whose position is like the Kaaba which is in the middle and is an example for all parties, does not lean on one side and is at two ends and is not lacking. ; 2) contextualization of the values of moderation in Islamic education in QS. al-Baqarah (2) verse 143 and alKa>firu>n (109) verse 1-6 according to Quraish Shihab, and this study concludes that the values of moderation in Islamic education according to Shihab are a new theory that can be used as a tool to measure the degree of moderation of Islamic education institutions in implementing moderate values in curriculum and is infrastructure" />
NILAI-NILAI MODERASI DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM (Studi Qs. al-Baqarah (2) Ayat 143 dan al-Kafirun (109) Ayat 1-6 Perspektif M. Quraish Shihab dalam Tafsir Al-Misbah)
Durratul Yatimah. 2021. Nilai-Nilai Moderasi dalam Pendidikan Islam (Studi S.
al-Baqarah [2] Ayat 143 dan al-Ka>firu>n [109] Ayat 1-6 Perspektif M. Quraish
Shihab dalam Tafsῐr al-Mishba>h) Tesis, Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam
(PAI) Program Magister (S2) Pascasarjana IAIN Madura, Pembimbing: Dr.
Siswanto, M.Pd.I dan Dr. Muhammad Thaha, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci : Nilai-nilai moderasi, Pendidikan Islam, Quraish Shihab.
Moderasi sebagai istilah yang baru merupakan ciri khas yang melekat pada umat
Islam sebagai manifestasi wasathiyyah yang bisa memposisikan dirinya menjadi
kelompok yang moderat dengan mampu bersikap adil dan berada di pertengahan,
tidak ekstrem kanan dan tidak ekstrem kiri di antara gejolak paham konservatisme
dan liberalisme dalam keislaman dan keindonesiaan hari ini.
Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pemikiran M. Quraish Shihab
tentang nilai-nilai moderasi dalam pendidikan Islam terutama terkait
penafsirannya terhadap QS. Al-Baqarah (2) ayat 143 dan QS. al-Ka>firu>n (109)
ayat 1-6 dalam Tafsῐr al-Mishba>h. Penulis berasumsi bahwa nilai-nilai moderasi
Shihab berada pada posisi yang sentral dalam maksud tujuan ini.
Melalui metode analisis-deskriptif, fokus penelitian ini adalah untuk
meneliti bagaimana konsepsi moderasi M. Quraish Shihab dalam QS. Al-Baqarah
(2) ayat 143 dan QS. al-Ka>firu>n (109) ayat 1-6 dapat dijadikan sebagai
barometer untuk mengevaluasi pendidikan Islam meliputi kurikulum dan lainnya,
apakah sesuai dengan moderasi yang dipersepsikan Shihab atau justru sebaliknya.
Penelitian ini menemukan: 1) Munculnya gagasan moderasi M. Quraish
Shihab yang mengartikan moderat kepada umat Islam yang posisinya seperti
Ka’bah yang berada di pertengahan serta menjadi teladan bagi semua pihak, tidak
condong pada salah satu pihak dan berada pada dua ujung dan tidak
berkekurangan; 2) kontekstualisasi nilai-nilai moderasi dalam pendidikan Islam
dalam QS. al-Baqarah (2) ayat 143 dan al-Ka>firu>n (109) ayat 1-6 menurut
Quraish Shihab, dan penelitian ini berkesimpulan bahwa nilai-nilai moderasi
dalam pendidikan Islam menurut Shihab merupakan sebuah teori baru yang dapat
dijadikan sebagai alat untuk mengukur sejauh mana tingkat moderatisme lembaga
Pendidikan Islam dalam melaksanakan nilai-nilai yang moderat di dalam
kurikulum dan sarana prasarananya.xi
ملحص البحث
درة اليتيمة 2021القيم الوسطية في التربية الاسلامية في سورة البقرة
142والكافرون 6-1عند قريش شهاب فى تفسيرالمصباح. رسالة
ماجستر تحصص التربية الاسلامية قسم الدراسة العليا جامعة الاسلامية
الحكومية مادورا : اشراف الدكتور سسوانتو والدكتور محمد طه.
كلمات مفتاحية: قيم وسطية,تربية اسلامية , قريش شهاب.
الوسطية كمصطلح من الخصائص للامة الاسلامية ومظهر الوسطية
لتكون مبداء تقوم به معتدلة من غير التطرف والغلو يهيج بين المحافظة
على التقاليد القديمة و اللبرالية او بين التيارات الفكرية فى اندونسيا
هذه الدراسة تهدف لعرض فكر قريش شهاب عن القيم الوسطية فى
التربية الاسلامية ما فسره من سورة البقرة و ايا ت الكافرون فى
تفسيره المشهور "المصباح" اورد فيه لمؤلف نظره عن قيم الاعتدال
بانها من المقاصدالهامة عما نحن فى صدده.
وهذا بحث تحليلي عرضي يتركز فى العثور على فكرة الوسطية عند
قريش شهاب من خلال سورة البقرة 142والكافرون وصيرورته
معيارا فى ميزان التربية الاسلامية الشاملة للمخططات التعليمية
وغيرها ومدي صلاحيته بما يعتبره قريش شهاب من ا لفكرة الوسطية.
والبحث وصل الى نتائج: ( )1ظهور فكرة وسطية عند قريش شهاب فى
اعتباره انها كاالقبلة للامة الاسلامية معتدلة متكاملة الاطراف لا تميل
الى اية التيارات وقدوة للجميع. ()2تنزيل القيم الوسطية فيما ذكر ينتج
انها تصلح ان تصير نظرية محدثة ووسيلة مهمة فى مدي وسطية
مؤسسات التربية الاسلامية فى تطبيقها فى المخططات التعليمية
Durratul Yatimah. 2021. Values of Moderation in Islamic Education (Study of S.
al-Baqarah [2] Verse 143 and al-Ka>firu>n )109( Verses 1-6 Perspective of M.
Quraish Shihab in Tafsῐr al-Mishba>h) Thesis , Islamic Religious Education
Study Program (PAI) Master Program (S2) Postgraduate IAIN Madura,
Supervisor: Dr. Siswanto, M.Pd.I and Dr. Muhammad Thaha, M.Pd.
Keywords: Moderation values, Islamic education, Quraish Shihab.
Moderation as a new term is an inherent characteristic of Muslims as a
manifestation of wasathiyyah which can position itself as a moderate group by
being able to be fair and in the middle, not extreme right and not extreme left
between the turmoil of conservatism and liberalism in Islam and Indonesianness
This study aims to describe the thoughts of M. Quraish Shihab about the
values of moderation in Islamic education, especially regarding his interpretation
of the QS. Al-Baqarah (2) verse 143 and QS. al-Ka>firu>n (109) verses 1-6 in
Tafsῐr al-Mishba>h. The author assumes that Shihab's values of moderation are in
a central position in this purpose.
Through descriptive-analytic method, the focus of this research is to
examine how M. Quraish Shihab's conception of moderation in QS. Al-Baqarah
(2) verse 143 and QS. al-Ka>firu>n (109) verses 1-6 can be used as a barometer to
evaluate Islamic education including curriculum and others, whether it is in
accordance with the moderation perceived by Shihab or vice versa.
This research found: 1) The emergence of the idea of moderation by M.
Quraish Shihab indicates moderate to Muslims whose position is like the Kaaba
which is in the middle and is an example for all parties, does not lean on one side
and is at two ends and is not lacking. ; 2) contextualization of the values of
moderation in Islamic education in QS. al-Baqarah (2) verse 143 and alKa>firu>n (109) verse 1-6 according to Quraish Shihab, and this study concludes
that the values of moderation in Islamic education according to Shihab are a new
theory that can be used as a tool to measure the degree of moderation of Islamic
education institutions in implementing moderate values in curriculum and is
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