Shelvia Warista Imanullah, 2020, The Analaysis of Pleonasm and Tautology on Maher Zain’s
Album, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of
Islamic College (IAIN MADURA), Advisor :Drs, H.Mosleh Habibullah, M.Pd.
Keywords : Pleonasm and Tautology, Maher Zain’s Album.
In this era, music can entertain you. Music is good thing to be relax and enjoy. Actually,
song is one of part of music. Music here consists of songs and sounds that accompany the song.
Songs can be research. Well from here,I am as the researcher want to research a song on Maher
Zain’s album. Why can it be? I am as the researcher want to analyze of the album because I like
singing, and also my hobbies are singing, watching movie, and take a picture. But I choose it for
my research. From this research, we can learn the literature. Here, I choose part of language
style, especially on Pleonasm and Tautology. Pleonasm and Tautology is part of rhetorical style.
Pleonasm and Tautology is unity. Actually, Pleonasm and Tautology is based on direct and
indirect meaning. This research is motivated by the existence interested to literature. From the
song, we can analyse the meaning of the lyric that contain to Ploenasm and Tautology. Based on
this problem, so there are two research problems, which is: First, What are Pleonasm and
Tautology on Maher Zain’s album, it is Pleonasm and Tautology on the song on Maher Zain’s
album. The second, How to know the use of Pleonasm and Tautology on Maher Zain’s Album, it
is explained about how we can know the using of Pleonasm and Tautology by the meaning.
In this research, I use library research, Library research is a critical and in-depth study of
relevant library materials to solve a theoritical problem by collecting data from a variety of
library sources. Library research is technique of collecting data by analyses of the study using
library. And also the researcher using triangulation data theory, it is triangulation source.
Actually Researchers examined Maher Zain's album which consisted of several songs, namely:
Hold My Hand, Insyallah, Open Your Eyes, So soon, Guide me all the way, Muhammad,
Freedom, Ramadhan, I Believe, Peace Be Upon You.
The result of this research is Pleonasm and Tautology can analyze on Song especially the
lyric of the song. Pleonasm and Tautology are one unit, but some want to distinguish between the
two. Pleonasm is when the word excess is removed, it means that it remains intact, while
tautology is the excessive word that contains the repetition of another word. Actually, in this
thesis, researchers can find pleonasm and tautology in terms of meaning. The meaning of the
song lyrics to be studied. So the meaning used is the direct meaning and the indirect meaning.
Then, if you already know the meaning of the song lyrics, the researcher analyzes it, which
includes pleonasm and tautology
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