Jumatin Surya Ningsih, 2020, entitled The Effectiveness of Brainstorming
Technique on Young Learners’ Vocabulary Mastery at Level B of TK Al-Ma’arif
Sampang. Ungreduated, Thesis. Tarbiyah Faculty, English Teaching Program
(TBI), The State Islamic Institute of Madura (IAIN) Madura. Advisor: Afifah
Raihany, M.Pd.
Key Words: Effectivenees, Brainstorming Technique, Young Learner,
Vocabulary Mastery.
English as an international language that connect people in the world who
want to communicate with other people from different countries.To know English,
education is needed in learning English. Education is an activity where someone
gets knowledge from a teacher or instructor, specially in English leasson.
Therefore, it is necessary to learn English from an early age to adulthood. Young
children are taught to recognize vocabulary first and in the process of learning
vocabulary, a learning technique is needed so that the children quickly understand
At TK Al-Ma'arif Sampang there are 25 students and students at level B
where these students are taught to recognize vocabulary in English, of course,
using brainstorming techniques. Therefore, in this study there are two research
problems that the researcher must solve. The first is whether there is a relationship
between brainstorming techniques and vocabulary mastery of students at level B
and the second is how significant the brainstorming technique is and the student's
vocabulary mastery, which is actually.
In this study, researchers used a quantitative approach, while the research
design used by researchers was a pr-experimental design. In the study sample,
researchers used students at level B. The research instrument used a pre test, post
test and documentation. While in the data analysis, the researcher used the
formula "to" t-test.
The results of this study, the reliability of pre test is reliable because the
score is 0,388 is higher than rtable 0,381 and also the reliability of vocabulary test
(0,757) is higher than rtable (0,381) so, the test is reliable. For the first is the
effectiveness variable X (brainstorming technique) on variable Y (vocabulary
mastery) is 6,243, which means there is positive effect. The second is the
significant value contained in brainstorming technique and variable vocabulary
mastery is at the 5% level the significance is 2,07, therefore the results of
brainstorming technique on young learner’s vocabulary mastery are higher than
the significant level of 5%.
Finally, based on the results of this study, the effectiveness and
significance between brainstorming techniques and vocabulary mastery is thativ
there is positive effect and an alternative assumption that there is a effectiveness
of brainstorming techniques on vocabulary mastery is accepted. So, the
brainstorming technique used to make students think actively in developing
student vocabulary is very good for use in student learning activities about
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