Faridatul Isnaini, 2020, The Teaching Of Vocabulary Using Wall Sticker Of B-Level
At Kindergarten TK MUSTIKA Lebbek Pakong. Undergraduate, Thesis, English
Teaching Learning Program (TBI), institute of Islamic College (IAIN) Madura.
Advisor : Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty, M.Pd.
Keywords: Teaching, Vocabulary, Wall Sticker
Learning is a development of new knowledge, skill, or attitudes as an individual
interact with information and the environment. The learning environment includes
the physical facilities, the psychological atmosphere, instructional technology,
media and method. In the globalization era English is become necessary for the
society to learn English, it is very important for us to communicate with the other
people or stranger. In Indonesia, English has been taught in every school, although
in kindergarten and pre-school.
There are two research focuses in this study. The first one is How does the
teacher implement the wall sticker in tecaching vocabulary of B-Levelat
kindergarten TK MUSTIKA Lebbek Pakong? The second is What are the
advantages and disadvantages of the wall sticker method in teaching vocabulary of
B-Levelof B-Levelat kindergarten TK MUSTIKA Lebbek Pakong?.
The data that are going to be analyzed are how the validity of multiple choice In
this research the researcher research about the implementation of wall stickers in
teaching vocabulary for young learner, why the researcher choose qualitative
method in this case because based on the phenomenon determined that qualitative
method is most suitable approach for the phenomenon was delivered by researcher
than another method.
The results of the study are : first, teacher implement the wall sticker in tecaching
vocabulary of B-Levelat kindergarten TK MUSTIKA Lebbek Pakong is 1) teacher
first the teacher asks students to look for the vocabulary in the wall sticker, 2)After
students find the vocabulary requested by the teacher, 3) students find the
vocabulary requested by the teacher, then the teacher starts teaching vocabulary by
showing pictures and mentioning vocabulary the second the advantages and
disadvantages of the wall sticker method in teaching vocabulary of B-Levelof BLevelat kindergarten TK MUSTIKA Lebbek Pakong advantages of the wall sticker
method in teaching vocabulary: 1) Make the student more active to learn the English
vocabulary In learn English vocabulary for advanteges wall sticker method to make
the students more active about vocabulary to learn 2) Make the students easier and
faster to remember the meaning of the word wall sticker method in teaching
vocabulary to 3) make students easier and faster to remember the meaning of word
4) Make the student not bored learn the English vocabulary wall sticker method in
teaching vocabulary to make student not bored learn the English vocabulary 5)
Make the students more interested joining the class wall sticker method in teaching
vocabulary to Make the students more interested joining the class, disadvantages of
the wall sticker method in teaching vocabulary: 1)The teacher is having difficulty
preparing the mediawall sticker method in teaching vocabulary for the teacher is
having difficulty preparing the media.
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