Hafifatul Ichtyar Rizqina, 2020. entitled The Effect Of First Language Stimuli In English
Vocabulary Mastery Of Young Learners At 5-6 Years Old at TK Al-Kautsar Pamekasan.
Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), State Islamic Institute
(IAIN) of Madura. Advisor: Mulyadi, S.S., M.Pd.
Key Words: First language stimuli, Vocabulary mastery, Young learner’s
In daily life, people might not be free by language, especially children as young
learners. Usually they have a big anxiety from what they heard. They will try to ask to their
family, especially to their mother to get the point from what they heard, moreover in
language acquisition.
Language acquisition of children tends phsycological function, means that the
growth of children, especially in language acquisition tends how far the physycological
children growth and develop to acquire first language acquisition. Children as young learners
are called by The Golden age, where they able to develop rapidly, so they able to catch easily
what they see and heard. In first language acquisition, surely children easier to get and apply
it, because they used their exposure to say something by their environment.
.The researcher formulates the problems of study are:1) Is there any effect of L1
stimuli in English Vocabulary Mastery of young learners at 5-6 years Old?. 2)How
significant the effect of using L1 as stimuli in English Vocabulary Mastery of Young
Learners at 5-6 years old?
this research uses quantitative approach with experimental research because the variables
of this research is discrete manipulated, which have cause-effect relationship and it can
measured the degree of effectiveness. this research uses experimental research, namely one
group pretest-posttest design because the researcher wants to use one single group in giving
treatment to the sample.
Then the researcher got the data from the pretest and posttest. Based on the data that is
gotten from the result of pretest and posttest, there is difference between students before and
after being taught vocabulary by using first language stimuli. From the calculation, the mean
score of pretest 84,48 and the mean score of posttest is 92,63. It implies that the students’
mean score on posttest is higher than pretest (92,63> 84,48) Its difference is 8,15 points.
Therefore, the first language stimuli vocabulary mastery than those taught by non first
language stimuli at TK Al-Kautsar Pamekasan.
To know the statistically significance the effect of first language stimuli in English
vocabulary mastery, the researcher had to compare the tvalue and ttable. The ttable can be known
when the researcher had determined the degree of freedom (df). Because the number of cases
(N) of this research is 38, the degree of freedom (df = N – 1) is 37. Thus, the ttable (or the
critical value of t test) with df = 37 on 5% significance level is 2,03. It means the to (tvalue) is
lower than ttable (0,321 > 2,03). Therefore, it can be concluded that that Hi (Alternatif
Hypothesis) is accepted and Ho is rejected of this research. The effect of first language stimuli
in english vocabulary mastery of young learners at 5-6 years old at tk al-kautsar.
There is an effect of L1 stimuli in English vocabulary mastery of young learners at 5-6
years old at TK Al-Kautsar Pamekasan. Theoretically, first language stimuli can help the
student to be active and easly to increase the new vocabulary of L2 while enjoy the process of
teaching learning in the classroom. It also gave the students more interactive and give good
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