Halimatus Sa’diyah, 2020, The Analysis of Non—English Teacher Problems in
Teaching English at Islamic Senior High School Nurul Ulum Banmaleng Gili
Genting Sumunep. Thesis, Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Madura,
Advisor: Drs. H. Mosleh Habibullah, M. Pd.
Keyword: Non-English Teacher Problem, Teaching English.
Professional teachers are teachers who have competencies or skill that
appropriate with teacher profession. The quality of the teacher in Indonesia is
classified as low, this proves that there are many teachers in Indonesia were not
professional so that there were many teachers teach in the school not appropriate with
the profession. Moreover, to improve teachers professional are the responsibility of
the teacher itself. In addition, almost all teachers in Indonesia were not professional,
both in understanding the material, delivery methods, class management and
In this research, there were three research focuses, namely: the first, what are
the problems of non-English teacher in teaching English at Islamic Senior High
School Nurul Ulum Banmaleng Gili Genting Sumenep. The second, what are the
factors that cause the teacher having the problems. The third or the last, what is the
solution that the teacher does to solve the problem when teaching in the class.
For this research, the researcher used qualitative approach because qualitative
approach is one of the approaches that could be used to know the quality of
phenomenon. This research was suitable to overcome the unknown problem and need
to explore. Besides qualitative research, the researcher also used descriptive research.
Descriptive research is a form of research that aims to describe a symptom,
phenomenon, or incident that occurred. The researcher used descriptive research to
get information based on phenomenon that occurred on the field such as problem,
factor, and solution. The researcher used observation to collect the data and used nonparticipant observer because the researcher only joined the class and observed
English teaching learning process. The researcher also used interview guidelines to
collect the data and used semi structure interview so that easily and helping the
researcher got information in the school when interview the teacher as data source.
Then the researcher used documentation, the researcher took picture when English
teaching learning process in the class and when the teacher got problems in the
classroom and also took picture when the researcher conducted interview.v
The result of research from all of classes at Islamic Senior High School Nurul
Ulum Banmaleng Gili Genting Sumenep, the researcher took conclusion that the
teacher has problems when the teacher taught English in the class. The teacher felt
difficulty to make students understood the material that the teacher had delivered.
Then, the teacher difficult to make students active in the class because the methods
used was less attractive and when the teacher gave task, many of them did not submit
the task and some of them also were still cheating on each other. The lack of
seriousness of students in learning English could be seen when many students didn’t
listen to the teacher explanation by told behind the teacher, played Hand phone, and
didn’t finish their task and also didn’t submit the task. The factors that cause the
teacher having the problems such as the teacher profession, because the teacher was
Indonesian teacher or non-English teacher so the teacher had limited theory and also
limited references of English but the teacher taught English to fulfill English lesson
although the result didn’t maximal. The teacher said that the teacher didn’t have
enough time to prepare at home before the teacher taught student in the classroom. In
addition, lack of student interest in English so that students were not enthusiastic to
learn English and also were not serious when the teaching learning proses. Whereas
the solution from the teacher problem when the students difficult to understand the
material so the teacher always tried to explain the material again until the student got
the point and did their tasks. The teacher would like to prepare the material before
taught the students in the classroom to make maximal result of teaching process.
Then, the teacher would like to give motivation before started the material and before
closed the meeting. Next, the teacher gave punishment as physic when the students
were not serious to study and played hand phone during teaching learning process.
From the result of the research above, the teaching and learning process could
be called success when the teacher had good profession or background that
appropriate with the subject or lesson, because the teacher who had good profession
have to know and understood what the method and media should be used so that
could be achieved teaching purpose.vi
Halimatus Sa’diyah, 2020, The Analysis of Non-English Teacher in Teaching
English at Islamic Senior High School Nurul Ulum Banmaleng Gili Genting
Sumenep. Skripsi, Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBI), Fakultas Tarbiyah, Institute Agama
Islam Negeri Madura, Pembimbing: Drs. H. Mosleh Habibullah, M. Pd.
Kata Kunci: Masalah Guru Bukan Bahasa Inggris, Mengajar Bahasa Inggris.
Guru profesional adalah guru yang memiliki kompetensi atau kemampuan
yang sesuai dengan profesi keguruan. Mutu guru di Indonesia tergolong rendah, hal
ini membuktikan bahwa banyak guru di Indonesia tidak professional sehingga banyak
guru mengajar di sekolah tidak sesuai dengan bidangnya. Oleh karena itu, untuk
meningkatkan profesional guru adalah tanggung jawab guru itu sendiri. selain itu,
hampir semua guru di Indonesia tidak profesional, baik dalam memahami materi,
metode penyampaiannya, pengelolaan kelas, maupun pemberian hukuman.
Pada penelitian ini, ada tiga fokus penelitian, yaitu: pertama, apa masalah dari
guru non-inggris dalam mengajar bahasa inggris di Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Ulum
Banmaleng Gili Genting Sumenep. Kedua, apa saja faktor yang menyebabkan guru
memiliki masalah. Ketiga atau terakhir, apa saja solusi yang guru lakukan untu
mengatasi masalah ketika mengajar di kelas.
Untuk penelitian ini, guru menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif karena
pendekatan kualitatif adalah salah satu pendekatan yang bisa digunakan untuk
mengetahui kualitas kejadian. Penelitian ini cocok untuk mengatasi masalah yang
tidak diketahui dan masih membutuhkan penyelidikan. Selain penelitian kualitatif,
peneliti juga menggunakan penelitan deskripsi. Penelitian deskripsi adalah sebuah
bentuk penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menggambarkan suatu gejala, peristiwa atau
kejadian yang terjadi. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian deskriptif untuk mrndapatkan
informasi berdasarkan fenomena yang terjadi di lapangan, seperti masalah, faktor,
dan solusinya. Peneliti menggunakan observasi untuk mengumpulkan data dan
menggunakan observasi non-partisipan karena peneliti hanya mengikuti kelas dan
mengobservasi proses belajar mengajar. Peneliti juga menggunakan pedoman
wawancara untuk mendapatkan data dan peneliti menggunakan wawancara semi
struktur supaya memudahkan dan membantu peneliti mendapatkan informasi di
sekolah ketika mewawancarai guru di sekolah sebagai sumber data. Kemudian,
peneliti menggunakan dokumentasi, peneliti mengambil foto ketika proses belajar
mengajar di kelas dan ketika guru mendapatkan masalah di MA Nurul Ulumvii
Banmaleng Gili Genting Sumenep dan ketika guru mendapat masalah dan juga ketika
peneliti melakukan wawancara.
Hasil dari penelitian dari semua kelas di MA Nurul Ulum Banmaleng Gili
Genting Sumenep, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa guru memiliki masalah ketika
mengajar bahasa inggris di kelas. Guru merasa kesulitan membuat siswa memahami
materi yang sudah disampaikan. Kemudian, guru kesulitan menbuat siswa aktif di
kelas karena media yang digunakan kurang menarik dan ketika guru memberikan
tugas, banyak diantara mereka tidak menyetorkan tugas dan beberapa diantara mereka
juga masih saling menyontek satu sama lain. Ketidak-seriusan siswa dalam belajar
bahasa inggris dapat dilihat ketika banyak siswa yang tidak mendengarkan penjelasan
guru dengan berbicara dibelakang, bermain HP, dan tidak menyelesaikan tugas
mereka serta juga tidak menyetorkan tugasnya. Factor-faktor yang menyebabkan guru
memiliki masalah seperti profesi guru, karena gurunya adalah guru bahasa Indonesia
atau guru non-inggris, jadi guru memiliki teori bahasa inggris yang terbatas dan juga
referensi bubu bahasa inggris yang terbatas tetapi guru menngajar bahasa inggris
untuk mengisi pelajaran bahasa inggris meslipun hasilnya kurang maksimal. Guru
mengatakan bahwa guru tidak memiliki waktu yang cukup untuk persiapan di rumah
sebelum mengajar di kelas. Selain itu, kurangnya minat siswa pada bahasa inggris
sehingga siswa tidak semangat belajar bahasa inggris dan tidak serius ketika proses
belajar mengajar. Sedangkan solusi dari masalah yang guru alami ketika siswa sulit
memahami materi maka guru selalu mencoba menjelaskan materinya kembali
sampai siswa mendapatkan poin dan mengerjakan tugasnya. Guru akan
mempersiapkan materi sebelum mengajar siswa di kelas untuk membuat hasil yang
maksimal dari proses mengajar. Kemudian, guru akan memberikan motivasi sebelum
memulai materi dan sebelum menutup pertemuan. Selanjutnya, guru memberikan
hukuman seperti fisik ketika siswa tidak serius belajar dan bermain HP selama
pelajaran berlangsung.
Dari hasil penelitian di atas, proses belajar-mengajar bisa dikatakan sukses
ketika guru memiliki profesi yang baik atau latar belakang yang baik yang sesuai
dengan pelajaran, karena guru yang memiliki profesi yang baik harus mengetahui dan
memahami apa saja metode dan media yang harus difahami supaya mencapai tujuan
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