Nurul Fitriyah, 2020, The Analysis of Grammar Translation Errors in Instruction of
Cosmetics and Medicines. Thesis, English Teaching Learning Study Program
(TBI), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura. Advisor: Drs. H. Mosleh
Habibullah, M. Pd
Keywords: Grammar, Translation, Error, Instruction
In our daily lives, we cannot get away from products. Products have an
important role in our lives today. For example is cosmetic and medicine. Talking
about these product, there is something important to know before using these
product that is instruction. Instruction of products are made to make people know
what the ingredients, the benefit and how to use the product. Almost of the products
instruction is written form. It is written with grammatical structure which can be
understood by people.
The instruction of products is usually written in the national language or
local language where the product is produced. In addition, instruction of some
products are sometimes is written in two languages even more by translating. The
purpose is to facilitate users who do not understand that language or foreign citizen.
There are three research problem in this study. The first one is how the
equivalence and adjustment in the translation text, the second is what translation
method that used in translation text, and the last is what grammar translation error
that occur in instruction of cosmetics and medicines.
This study uses qualitative research that is content analysis. The data source
is instruction of cosmetics and medicines. This data get from observation and
documentation in two stores in Pamekasan city, namely ABC Swalayan & Grosir
and Apollo Swalayan. In this study the researcher just ordinary observer. Data
analysis is started with data reduction, continue with data display, and the last is
conclusion drawing/ verifying.
The result showed that there are equivalence and adjustment in those
translation text (Indonesian – English) of cosmetic’s and medicine instruction.
Besides that, there are 3 translation method that used in translation text, namely
word for word translation, literal translation, and communicative translation. While
the errors that occurs in instruction of cosmetics and medicines are omission error,
addition error, and misformation.
Based on the result above, it is suggested to the writer of instruction to more
carefully in translating instruction. Another hand, student, the consumer, and
another people can pay attention to the something that can be studied in the
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