Unsiyah, 2020, English Learning Process in English Opium Program at MA Mambaul Hikmah Sera Barat Bluto Sumenep, Undergraduate, Thesis, English Education Program (TBI), English Tarbiyah Departement. State of Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura Pamekasan. Advisor: Drs. Moh. Mashur Abadi, M. Fil. I.
Keywords: Learning Process, English Opium Program, Student’s Problem.
Extracurricular program is an activity held by an institution to help students develop their potential. Like English opium program (EOP) which is an extracurricular program held by Mambaul Hikmah Islamic boarding school to help students, especially students of senior high school, so that they can develop their English skills not only in formal classes but they can also learn English in non-formal classes as well.
The reason of the researchers in taking title Learning Process in the English Opium Program at MA Mambaul Hikmah Sera Barat Bluto Sumenep, because researchers looks the English potential of students in Mambaul Hikmah quite well, and many students said that they liked the English opium program because the learning process was fun and they not only given English material by the tutor but they can also develop their talents such as studying speech and poetry.
There are three research focuses in this research. The first is how the learning process in the English opium program at MA Mambaul Hikmah. the second is what are the students’ problem in the learning process of English opium program at MA Mambaul Hikmah. And the third is how do students solve their problem in English learning process of English opium program at MA Mambaul Hikmah. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. To get the data researchers uses structured interviews, nonparticipant observation, and documentation.
The results showed that the learning process in English opium is very effective because students are very active and students can develop their English skills because this English opium program is an extracurricular program that is effective at improving students' abilities especially in speaking English. But there are problems faced by students during the learning process because there are several factors that cause students face these problems in the learning process but the students is able to overcome their problem so students can join the learning process well and they can still improve their English skills so this English opium program was a success because students became more active in using English in their daily activities.
Based on the research results above, it can be concluded that the learning process in the English opium program runs smoothly even though there are still problems faced by students but the students can overcome these problems. So that, it is suggested for the tutors to always motivate students so that they always remain enthusiastic to develop their English skills.
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