ABSTRACT Ahmad Khalilur Rahman, 2020. The Role of Teacher in Teaching Speaking Through Dialogue at Specialization Class of Nurul Islam Bataal Barat Ganding Sumenep, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, The State Islamic Institute of Madura, Advisor: Kristanti Ayuanita, M. Pd. Keywords:The Role of Teacher, Dialogue, Specialization Class Speaking is one skill in language learning that is very important to teach in the classroom. Speaking is a single the most important aspect of learning a second or foreign language, and success is measured terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in a language. Dialogue is a communicating activity conducted by two or more people. Dialogue can be done well and is direction if there are topics or ideas in conversation. In the dialogue there are the subjects. The dialogue contains a question and answer about a particular topic. Questions and answers are submitted in turns. The topic in dialogue is in the form of light issues in everyday life. From the phenomena above, the researcher interests to do a research by focusing on How does the teacher's role in teaching speaking through dialogue at specialization class of Nurul Islam Bataal Barat Ganding Sumenep?, What are the students problems in learning speaking through dialogue at specialization class of Nurul Islam Bataal Barat Ganding Sumenep?, How does the teacher overcome the problems in teaching speaking through dialogue at specialization class of Nurul Islam Bataal Barat Ganding Sumenep?, The researcher used a qualitative research by descriptive research design to answers the questions above. Then, the researcher used interview, observation and documentation to get the data. This research is done by process of reduction and displayed data then making conclusion of the research. It is also uses triangulation of data included triangulation of source, time and place to strengthen the data by various data got. The teacher's roles in teaching speaking through dialogue were : as a learning resources, as a stimulator, as a facilitator, as a learning manager, as a guide, as a evaluator and as a motivator. Next, students problem in learning sspeaking through dialogue are : student pronunciation, Still Lack of vocabulary and less in arrange words. Then, teacher overcome the problem in teaching speaking through dialogue are : The english teacher do warming up before teaching learning process, ask for students to memorize some vocabulary, ask for the students to make dialogue and gives limited time to memorize the dialogue.
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