Intan Nur Aini, 2020, “The Responses of the Interactive Development Method on Speaking skill at Mercury Education Centre of Regular class”, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Madura (IAIN Madura), Advisor : Nina Khayatul Virdyna M.Pd.
Keywords: Responses, Interactive Development Method, Speaking
Interactive Development Method is one of method, that used by teacher to teach English in Mercury Education Centre. Interactive development method is the combination or mixed two method from communicative approach and direct method. Where direct method is method used in the class without translating into Indonesian language and Natural approach led naturally into the generally accepted norm for effective language teaching. In teaching learning process method is an important, because a Method is the way used by a teacher to apply a planning to be used in the classroom, as a teacher we have to design various forms of method variables to achieve a planned goal and target.
There are three research focus, for the first, What are the teachers’ Response on interactive development method in speaking skill at mercury education center of Regular class the second one, What are the students’ Responses on interactive development method in speaking skill at mercury education center of Regular class and the third is What are the advantage and disadvantage of interactive development method in students speaking skill at mercury education center of Regular class
The objective of this research are: To describe teachers’ response on interactive development method in speaking skill at mercury education center of Regular Class, to describe students’ response on interactive development method in speaking skill at mercury education center of Regular Class and the third to explain the advantage and disadvantage of interactive development method in speaking skill at mercury education center of Regular class.
The researcher employed descriptive qualitative research. The researcher did interviewing, observing and documentation in gathering data. The informers are from the teacher of Mercury Education Centre and also the students of Regular class. The data analysis includes data reduction, data display and verification. To validate the data, the researcher uses technique triangulation.
The result of this research was found by the researcher that, Interactive Development Method, has good Responses from the teacher and also the students, it can be proof that the students who taught by using this method are able have good ability in speaking, so that Interactive Development Method has good contribution in teaching learning process to create students has good skill in a speaking.
ABSTRACT (Bahasa Indonesia)
Intan Nur Aini, 2020, “The Responses of the Interactive Development Method on Speaking skill at Mercury Education Centre of Regular class”, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Madura (IAIN Madura), Advisor : Nina Khayatul Virdyna M.Pd.
Kata kunci: Respons, Interactive Development Method, Speaking
Interactive Development Method adalah salah satu metode yang diginakan oleh guru untuk mengajar bahasa inggris di Mercury Education Centre, Interactive Development Method adalah kombinasi atau perpaduan antara dua metode dari communicative approach dan Direct Method. Yang mana Direct Method adalah sebuah metode yang digunakan di dalam kelas tanpa penerjamahan dalam bahasa inggris dan Communicative approach adalah suatu metode yang menekankan pada adanya komunikasi menjadi bahasa yang effective. Dalam proses belajar mengajar metode merupakan hal yang penting, karena metode merupakan suatu cara yang digunakan oleh guru untuk mengaplikasikan sebuah rencana yang digunakan di kelas, sebagai seorang guru, kita harus bisa mengkombinasikan beberapa metode untuk mencapai suatu tujuan dan target di pembelajaran.
Ada tiga masalah dalam penelitian ini, yang pertama apa saja respon guru terhadap Interactive Development method di kemampuan speaking di Mercury Education Centre kelas regular, apa saja respon siswa terhadap Interactive Development method di kemampuan speaking di Mercury Education Centre kelas regular dan yang ketiga adalah apa saja keunggulan dan kekurangan dari Interactive Development method di kemampuan speaking di Mercury Education Centre kelas regular
Sasaran dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan respon guru terhadap Interactive Development method di kemampuan speaking di Mercury Education Centre kelas regular, untuk menggambarkan respon siswa terhadap Interactive Development method di kemampuan speaking di Mercury Education Centre kelas regular dan yang ketiga adalah untuk menjelaskan keunggulan dan kekurangan dari Interactive Development method di kemampuan speaking di Mercury Education Centre kelas regular.
Peneliti menngunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menngunakan kualitatif deskriptif, dalam hal ini peneliti melakukan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi dalam mengumpulkan data. Informannya adalah dari guru dan juga murid dari kelas regular. Data analisis menggunakan, data reduksi, data display dan kesimpulan. Kemudian keabsahan data peneliti menggunakan tringulasi.
Hasil dari penelitian ini sudah bisa disimpulkan oleh peneliti bahwasanya Interactive Development Method, memiliki respon yang baik dari guru dan juga siswa, hal ini dapat dibuktikan bahwasanya murid yang diajari dengan menggunakan metode tersebut memiliki kemampuan yang baik di speaking, sehingga Interactive Development Method memiliki konstribusi yang baik dalam proses belajar mengajar untuk menciptakan seprang siswa yan memiliki kemampuan yang bagus di speakingnya.
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