Mutmainnatul Mardiyah 2020, The Implementation of Hot Seat Game on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at The Seventh Grade of SMP Nurul Mustofa Pegantenan Pamekasan. Undergaduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI) Faculty of Tarbiyah, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura. Advisior: Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty, M.Pd.,
Key Words: Hot Seat Game, Vocabulary Mastery
Teaching is showing or helping someone to learn, how to do something, giving instruction and another. Teaching vocabulary is one of the important elements in language that should be understood by the learners because it supports the learning of language skills development in order to master target language. As we know that to improve the students’ vocabulary mastery in learning English, the teacher implemented Hot Seat game in teaching vocabulary. Hot Seat is one of game that used by the teacher to give some of instructions or commands to the students. Giving instructions or commands of the teacher would make the students more a lot of fun and make them more mastery of the vocabulary
The focused of this study are how does the implementation of hot seat game students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of SMP Nurul Mustofa Pegantenan Pamekasan, what are the strengthens and the weakness of implementation hot seat game on students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of SMP Nurul Mustofa Pegantenan Pamekasan.
This research was classified as a qualitative descriptive research because this research describes the data without statistical analysis. The researcher intends to describes the phenomenon of how does the teacher implement Hot Seat game in teaching and learning process on student’s vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of SMP Nurul Mustofa Pegantenan Pamekasan. The data were collected from the observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis that is used by the researcher are familiarizing and organizing, coding and reducing, interpreting and representing. To check data validity, the researcher uses triangulation of data sources.
The result showed that the implementation of Hot Seat game can motivate the students in teaching learning proccess. Based on the interviewed, the students have a new inspiration to make them anthusiasm in learning vocabulary as a researcher knew that the students have a motivation when the teacher gave limitation time to guess the word. So the teacher feel that Hot seat game is an alternative ways to make the students more active in learning vocabulary. Hot Seat game can add the students’ vocabulary mastery. The students be able to add their vocabulary without memorize, it means that by using the game the students here can add their vocabulary.
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