Wahidatul Nurdiana Putri, 2018. The Correlation between Watching English Movie and Students’ Pronunciation Ability at The Eleventh Grade Students of MA Mathla’ul Amien Gapura Sumenep. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Madura, Advisor: Hj. S. Sumihatul Ummah MS, M.Pd
Keywords:Watching English Movie, Students’ Pronunciation Ability
Learning pronunciation not only by reading the book or listen to the teacher in the class, but we can also learn ourself by various way, such as learn by listening the music or watching the movie. By watching movie we can get several advantages such as improving the ability of vocabulary skill, improving the ability in listening skill, and students will be better in pronouncing words in English. When watching English movie we can hear what the actors and actress said as a native speakers, then we will imitate the sound what we hear with the correct pronunciation. Some of students of the eleventh grade MA Mathla’ul Amien Gapura Sumenepalso face the difficulties in learning pronunciation, sometimes they are watching English movie. So, their pronunciation ability can be better.
Based on that reason, the researcher feel interested to conduct a research. Two problems in this research are is there any correlation between watching English movie and students’ pronuncation ability at the eleventh grade students of MA Mathla’ul Amien Gapura Sumenep and how is the statistical correlation between watching English movie and students’ pronunciation ability at the eleventh grade students of MA Mathla’ul Amien Gapura Sumenep. While the objectives of study of this research are to know the correlation between watching English movie and students’ pronunciation ability at the eleventh grade students of MA Mathla’ul Amien Gapura Sumenep and to measure the statistical significance correlation between watching English movie and students’ pronunciation ability at the eleventh grade students of MA Mathla’ul Amien Gapura Sumenep. In this research, the researcher uses alternative hypothesis that state there is correlation between watching English movie and students’ pronunciation ability at the eleventh grade students of MA Mathla’ul Amien Gapura Sumenep.
The research uses correlational design, which is going to correlate watching English movie as X (independent) variable and students’ pronunciation ability as Y (dependent) variable. The population of this research is the eleventh grade students of MA Mathla’ul Amien Gapura Sumenep and the total number of population is 7 students. The researcher took sample by using population sampling because the respondents less than 100.
Questionnaire and test are the research instruments. Then, the data obtained will be analyzed by using product moment formula. After analyzing the data, the result showed the alternative hypothesis is rejected. It can be proven by the result of r value is lower than “r” table in significant level 95% which is 0,754 (0,155
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