Kuntum Khaira Ummah, 2019,The Implementation of Children Song on Teaching Vocabulary at TK PKKNyalabu Laok Pamekasan. Thesis, Tarbiyah Department. English Teaching Learning Program (TBI),The State of Islamic Institute(IAIN) Madura. Advisor:Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita M. Pd
Keyword: Children Song, Teaching Vocabulary, Young Learner
Children song is a group of beautiful words in which there is a message to be conveyed to individuals who have not reached puberty and presented with a beautiful music so that they can get the message. Teaching is showing and helping someone to learn how to do something, giving instruction, providing with knowledge causing to know or understanding.Vocabulary is core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basic for how well learners speak, listen, read, and write.Young Learner is the golden period or the most ideal for learning a language other than the mother tongue, young learneris children from five years old to seven years old, it means that the students who study in TK PKK Nyalabu Laok Pamekasan.
This is a qualitative research. There are three problems in this research.First, How does the teacher implement of children song in teaching vocabulary at TK PKK Nyalabu Laok Pamekasan?, Socond,What are the strengthness of the teacher implement of children song in teaching vocabulary at TK PKK Nyalabu Laok Pamekasan?, Third,What are the difficulties of the teacher implement of children song in teaching vocabulary at TK PKK Nyalabu Laok Pamekasan?. Based on the threeproblems of study, there are three objectives of study. The first, to describe howthe teacher implement children song on teaching vocabulary learner at TK PKK Nyalabu Laok Pamekasan. The second, to identify the strengthnessof the teacher implement of children song on teaching vocabulary at TK PKK Nyalabu Laok Pamekasan. And the third, to identify the difficulties of the teacher implement of children song on teaching vocabulary at TK PKK Nyalabu Laok Pamekasan.
Based on the observation and interview with the teacher, the teacher asking to the students to enjoy and relax with the music. The teacher got difficulties to give suitable song related about the material in teaching vocabulary, facilities of the school, and to manage the time. The students give good responses during the process of teaching vocabulary by using children song.
Based on the result of this research above,teaching vocabulary by using children song at TK PKK Nyalabu Laok Pamekasanis implemented well. The students participated well in the teaching learning process. It was proved when the teacher asked the students on the next meeting, the sudents could answer the question well.
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