Mujibah, 2019, The Analysis Of Concord Error In Writing Explanation Text Assignment At Eleventhth Grade Of SMK Syabilur Rosyad Pamekasan, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Of Madura.
Advisor : Drs. Mosleh Habibullah, M,Pd
Key Words: Concord Error, Writing, Explanation Text
Writing as one of the language skills that is very important for some reasons. The first reason is that writing is important for senior high school students to communicate or share information and idea such as to write letter or to compose stories. Secondly, writing helps the students to prepare the global competition for their future, for example to get a job in a foreign country. Furthermore, writing can help the students to focus on accurate language use, such as grammar and vocabulary, this paper can analyze in the explanation text that explanation text here is how or why the phenomenon is happen in the world, that in the text here there are many concord error while the subject must agree with the verb in structural of grammar. The researcher wants to research about the concord error in writing explanation text assignment at eleventhth grade of SMK Syabilur Rosyad. Because the concord error is tool to help the researcher checked the grammatical error that made by students especially using plural and singular in explanation text.
There are two problems that conclude by researcher. The first is to mention the types of concord error in writing explanation text that are made by eleventh grade of SMK Syabilur Rosyad. The second is to explain the causes of concord error in writing explanation text that are made by eleventh grade of SMK Syabilur Rosyad.
The approach used in this research is qualitative research. Because kind of this research is descriptive research. That qualitative as a research which results in descriptive data in written word form from something was researched. While the kind of research that used in this research is descriptive that is the data taken from some words, pictures and it do not use a numerical statistic
The research result show that the researcher found three types of concord errors: grammatical concord, notional concord, and also proximity concord. Then, students also made concord errors in type of concord. They are such as 26% students made concord errors in grammatical concord, 1% notional concord, 43% students in proximity concord. This problem influenced by student felt confused to understand about grammar namely in using singular and plural words because they did not know the meaning and differences between regular verb and irregular verb. Therefore, students claimed if they seldom to practice writing paragraph.
The conclusion of this study is the concord errors are very usual in writing paragraph or essay, so analysis concord errors is needed by teacher to correct the student’s essay.
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