Septi Dwi Hermansyah, 2019, The Effect of Using LCD-Projector to Kinesthetic Students in English Subject in Eighth Grade at SMPN 07 Pamekasan 2018-2019. Undergraduate, thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), Tarbiyah Department, The State of Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura, Advisor: ABD. GHOFUR M.Pd
Keywords: English Subject,Teaching Grammar, Media
English is the important language since it became the international language. Nowdays, the information is presented by English. The purpose of teaching English is to train the students to read and understand many references written in English. In understanding English, the students must understand grammar because grammar is one of the skill that the students have to mastery and as media in teaching learning prosess needed to make the students shorten understand and motivate them in learning grammar. So, the teaching learning process can run well as well as posible.
This research has two research problem that are: the first, Does the using of LCD-Projector give effect to the kinesthetic students in English subject achievement at the eighthgrade of SMPN 07 Pamekasan. The second, How far the statistically significant effect of LCD-Projector on the kinesthetic student in English subject achievement at the eighth grade of SMPN 07 Pamekasan.
In this study, the researcher use quantitative research design. While kind of research is experimental design. Because the researcher want to know the effect of using LCD-Projector in grammar ablity in modal auxiliary at eighth grade of SMPN 7 Pamekasan. The researcher use statistical formula to calculate the result of the data.
The result of the research shows that there was an effect in grammar ability taught by using LCD-Projector. It was proved by the effect of students score in pre-test and post-test. Based on the value of pre-test and post-test, the researcher got (t0 : 2,13 > tt: 2,02) with significance 5%. So, it is mean that this experiment research has an effect.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for English teacher to help the students to increase their English skill especially in Englsih grammar. The teacher can use various media to improve the students grammar skill, because media is very important in teaching learning process, especially in grammar ability. The teacher also should motivate the students to practice their English grammar every day in order to they can master it well.
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