Abdul Kadir Jailani. 2018. Penerapan Metode Resitasi dalam Meningkatkan Kreativitas Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di SMK Negeri 1 Pamekasan. Tesis, Program Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam Pascasarjana IAIN Madura, Pembimbing: Dr. Buna’i, S.Ag., M.Pd. dan Dr. Abd. Mukhid, M.Pd.
Kata Kunci: Metode Resitasi, Kreativitas Belajar, PAI.
SMK Negeri 1 memiliki ada kegiatan PRAKERIN (Praktik Kerja Industri) selama kurang lebih tiga bulan dan Ujian Kompetensi Kejuruan (UKK) yang berakibat pada berkurangnya jam pelajaran PAI, padahal materi yang harus disampaikan cukup kompleks. Oleh karena itu, guru PAI menerapkan metode resitasi sebagai alternatifnya. Ada tiga fokus dalam penelitian ini, yakni: Pertama, bagaimana penerapan metode resitasi dalam meningkatkan kreativitas belajar siswa pada PAI di SMK Negeri 1 Pamekasan? Kedua, apa saja faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya? Ketiga, bagaimana cara mengatasi hambatan itu?
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan datanya adalah wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis datanya menggunakan metode interaktif model Miles and Huberman.
Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa: Pertama, penerapan metode resitasi dilaksanakan dengan cara: (a) Pada fase pemberian tugas, guru mempertimbangkan tujuan, jenis tugas, kemampuan siswa, bahan pelajaran, dan waktu. (b) Pada fase pelaksanaan tugas, guru memberikan penjelasan pokok bahasan tertentu, tugas dikerjakan sendiri oleh siswa di mana saja, dan siswa mencatat jawaban secara sistematik. (c) Pada fase pertanggungjawaban tugas, siswa memberikan laporan secara lisan atau tulisan di depan kelas, dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab atau diskusi kelas. Setelah itu, guru mengoreksi dan menilai hasil kerja siswa. Alhasil, penerapan metode resitasi ini mampu meningkatkan kreativitas belajar siswa seperti adanya kemampuan daya imajinasi yang kuat, inisiatif, minat yang luas, bebas dalam berpikir, selalu ingin tahu, selalu ingin mendapatkan pengalaman baru, percaya pada diri sendiri, penuh semangat (energetic), berani mengambil risiko, dan berani dalam pendapat dan keyakinan. Selain itu, siswa mampu menyelesaikan sendiri tugas itu berdasarkan potensi dan kemampuan yang dimiliki melalui berbagai cara. Kedua, faktor pendukung penerapan metode resitasi dalam meningkatkan kreativitas belajar siswa yaitu adanya motivasi siswa dalam mengerjakan tugas dan faktor kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh metode tersebut. Faktor penghambatnya yaitu siswa sulit dikontrol, timbulnya kerawanan siswa tidak mengerjakan sendiri tugasnya, dan tidak ikut berpartisipasi dalam tugas kelompok. Ketiga, cara mengatasi hambatan penerapan metode resitasi tersebut adalah: guru melakukan langkah antisipatif dengan memberikan peraturan dan sanksi yang ketat, bekerjasama dengan guru lainnya dalam mengontrol pekerjaan siswa termasuk bekerjasama dengan petugas bimbingan dan konseling, dan bekerjasama dengan pihak tertentu seperti petugas perpustakaan, pengurus masjid, dan sebagainya guna mengontrol kegiatan siswa.
Abdul Kadir Jailani. 2018. Application of Recitation Method in in Enhancing Student Learning Creativity in Islamic Religious Education Subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Pamekasan. Thesis, Magister of Islamic Religious Education Graduate STAIN Pamekasan, Advisor: Dr. Buna’i, M.Ag., M.Pd. dan Dr. Abd. Mukhid, M.Pd.
Keywords: Recitation Method, Creativity Learning, Islamic Religious Education.
Vocational High School 1 Pamekasan has "Field Industrial Practice" for about three months and "Vocational Competency Exam" which resulted in less hours of Islamic Religious Education lessons, whereas the subject matter to be submitted is quite complex. Therefore, teachers should apply alternative methods such as recitation methods. There are three focuses in this research: First, how to apply recitation method in enhancing student learning creativity in Islamic religious education subjects? Second, what are the supporting and inhibiting factors? Third, how to overcome that obstacle?
This research uses qualitative approach with descriptive type. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses interactive method with the Miles and Huberman model.
Based on the research result, it can be concluded that: First, the application of the recitation method is carried out by: (a) In the assignment phase, the teacher considers the objectives, types of tasks, students' abilities, learning materials, and time. (b) In the implementation phase of the task, the teacher gives an explanation of a particular subject, the task is done by the student anywhere, and the student records the answer systematically. (c) In the task accountability phase, students give a verbal or written report in front of the class, followed by question and answer or class discussion. After that, the teacher corrects and assesses the work of students. As a result, the application of this recitation method is able to improve student learning creativity such as the ability to have a strong imagination, initiative, wide interest, free in thinking, always curious, always wanting to get new experiences, believe in yourself, energetically, dare to take risks, and be brave in opinions and beliefs. In addition, students are able to complete the task themselves based on their potential and abilities through various ways. Secondly, the supporting factors for the application of recitation methods in enhancing student learning creativity are the students' motivation in working on tasks and the excess factors possessed by the method. The inhibiting factor is that students are difficult to control, the emergence of vulnerability students do not do their own work, and do not participate in group assignments. Third, how to overcome the obstacles to the application of the recitation method are: the teacher takes anticipatory steps by providing strict rules and sanctions, cooperating with other teachers in controlling the work of students including working with guidance and counseling officers, and cooperating with certain parties such as library staff, mosque administrators and so on to control student activities.
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