Kamiluddin, 2018, The Correlation of Using Trans Sector Model to Students’ Speaking Skill in Learning English at Eight Grade of MTs Nasyrul Ulum Pamekasan. Advisor: Afifah Raihany, M.Pd.
Key Word: Trans Sector Model, Speaking Skill
Trans-sector model has a series of activities in the form of location observation, in this research is in the school environment. It is more concerned about the environment, able to observe the environment, and able to cooperate well. Along with the objectives of the trans-sector approach, students are expected to be able to gather information and generate curiosity behind the observed objects. The results of these observations then become the material of speaking. While Speaking is an activity which is expressing thought, ideas, argues etc. Speaking activities can be considered as an attempt to be able to communicate in target language.
There are two research problems in this study. Firstly, if there is any correlation of using trans sector model to students’ speaking skill in learning English at Eight Grade of MTs Nasyrul Ulum Pamekasan. Secondly is how statistically significance is the correlation of using trans sector model to students’ speaking skill in learning English at Eight Grade of MTs Nasyrul Ulum Pamekasan.
This research uses quantitative research. The data was collected through giving questionnaire and documentation. In this research, the researcher wants to identify the correlation between trans sector model in teaching English, especially speaking skill. Here, the researcher uses questionnaire as the instrument. Then, to know if there is significance of trans sector model in teaching English, the researcher uses product moment formula.
The result of this research shows as follow: Firstly, there is correlation of using trans sector model to students’ speaking skill in learning English at Eight Grade of MTs Nasyrul Ulum Pamekasan. Then, statistically the researcher compares the result of “r” value 0,57 to the coefficient value of correlation “r” product moment with N=20 in level of belief significance 95%, the value is 0,444, and in the level of belief significance 99%, the value is 0,561. So, the result of “r” value 0,57 is more than “r” table product moment either in level of belief significance 95% or 99%. It means that the positive correlation between the using trans sector and students’ speaking skill in learning English at eighth grade of MTs Nasyrul Ulum Pamekasan mathematically is a convincing positive correlation. Based on table of interpretation of “r” value in the table 4.9, the researcher see that the value of rxy (that is 0,57), evidently between 0,40 – 0,70. It means that the correlation of X variable and Y variable is enough or sufficient. Therefore, the researcher’s interpretation of rxy is that there is positive correlation between X variable (trans sector model) and Y variable (students’ speaking skill) and its correlation is sufficient correlation.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for English teacher to use trans sector model to increase students English speaking skill and develop it in order to the students have high motivation and interested in English teaching process. Besides, it is recommended for students should be active students, answer some questions from the teacher, and be motivated to express their ideas orally.
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