Yudi Hidayah, 2018. Teaching Reading Using Drill Strategies For Tenth Grades Of Students At Ma Matsaratul Huda Pamekasan, thesis English teaching learning program (TBI) Tarbiyah Departemen, State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Madura, Advisor, Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd
Keyword: Drill Strategy, Teaching Reading, Teaching Strategy.
Reading is a process that we use to gather information for some purpose. It is a way of interacting with text and constructing meaning based on previous information knowledge and experiences. According to Goodman, reading involves connecting in a meaningful way to the schema we have and predicting new meaning from prior experiences. When the reader organizes the information and responds to it as they interact with the language of a text, readers develop some strategies that they fell comfortable with.
There are three research focuses in this study that try to find the solution by researcher. The first is the teacher used drill strategy in teaching reading skill at tenth grade of MA Matsaratul Huda Pamekasan, the second is the problem that teacher got in teaching reading skill by using drill strategy at tenth grade of MA Matsaratul Huda Pamekasan, and the last is the teacher overcome her difficult in teaching reading skill by using drill strategy at tenth grade of MA Matsaratul Huda Pamekasan.
This research is descriptive qualitative research,the researcher is the main conducts as the data collector,observer,and analizer,in conduction of research the researcher observation,interview,and documentation to the subject and object of this research which conducting in MA Matsaratul Huda Pamekasan. Subject of this research is students of Tenth grade and the object is all students. The data collection analized by using three steps of miles huberman’s perspective are data reduction,data display and drawing conclusion or verification.To ensure the data validity the researcher checks by triangulation data
Based on the result of research showed the teacher implement the drill strategy in teaching reading skill at tenth grade of MA Matsaratul Huda Pamekasan those are: the first is the English teacher informed the topic, in this meeting was narrative text, in front of the class, the second The English teacher explained and discussed the content of the text, definition and the function of the narrative text, the third is teacher gives the story that she prepared before to his students, the fourth is instruct the students to divide into small group.ect. The second is difficult that teacher got teaching reading skill at tenth grade of MA Matsaratul Huda Pamekasan Such as: in organize her students because of other students will not in control and can make the learning process uncontrollable, drilling the story again and agin can make the students easily drilled in joining the lesson and time management, in using drill strategy teacher will waste the time because her students, drill strategy cannot implemented in all of students all at once. And the third result of research is teacher overcome the difficult that she got in teaching reading skill by using drill strategy at tenth grade of MA MatsaratulHuda Pamekasan those are: teacher have to change the topic of lesson or divide the students into two group and give them different topic to make the students not drilled in the class like translate the story that teacher gave before and teacher used simple story to be a media in teaching reading, because there are many students do not know how to read English passage correctly, by using simple story students will be easily to comprehend the content of passage.
Based on the result of the research above, the researcher conclude that drill strategy aimed to make her students easier in comprehend the reading skill, know the meaning of english passage, and can read english passage or english word. Hopefully, this strategy can help the students easier to study english language.
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