Umi Hartanti, 2018, Hubungan Antara Kefasihan Berbicara Siswa Dan Ejaan Siswa Yang Benar Di kelas IV SD I AL - Munawarah Pamekasan. Program Sarjana, Tesis, Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris (TBI), Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Madura.
Penasihat: Abd Ghofur, M.Pd.
Kata kunci: Kefasihan Berbicara Siswa, Ejaan Siswa yang Benar.
Berbicara itu penting karena dapat membantu kita berkomunikasi antara satu orang dengan orang lain. Keterampilan berbicara yang lebih baik adalah belajar berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Keterampilan menendang termasuk kemampuan yang sering dikesampingkan jika dibandingkan dengan membaca dan menulis meskipun banyak literatur menunjukkan bahwa peneliti dan pendidik setuju bahwa keterampilan mengeja penting untuk diajarkan. Peneliti ingin mengetahui tentang korelasi antara kelancaran berbicara siswa dan ejaan siswa yang benar.
Ada dua masalah studi, yaitu: Apakah ada korelasi antara kelancaran berbicara siswa dan ejaan siswa yang benar di kelas IV SD I AL - Munawarah Pamekasan? Seberapa signifikan hubungan antara kelancaran berbicara siswa dan ejaan siswa yang benar kelas IV SD I AL - Munawarah Pamekasan? sedangkan tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengukur hubungan antara kelancaran berbicara siswa dan ejaan siswa yang benar di kelas IV SD I AL - Munawarah Pamekasan. Untuk mengetahui hubungan yang signifikan antara kelancaran berbicara siswa dan ejaan siswa yang benar di kelas IV SD I AL - Munawarah Pamekasan.
Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian korelasi untuk memprediksi tingkat satu variabel dari variabel lain yang melibatkan dua variabel. Ini adalah variabel yang berdiri sendiri dan tidak berubah oleh variabel lain yang Anda coba ukur. Kefasihan berbicara siswa X variabel dan ejaan siswa yang benar variabel Y. Populasi penelitian ini terdiri dari 120 siswa. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 22 siswa dengan menggunakan simple random sampling. Instrumen penelitian adalah tes yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan skor berbicara (variabel X) dan dokumentasi yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai ejaan siswa yang benar (variabel Y).
Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa ada cukup korelasi antara variabel X (variabel independen) dan variabel Y (variabel dependen). Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil nilai korelasi 0,425 dan lebih tinggi dari r tabel dengan signifikansi 5%.
Berdasarkan tabel interpretasi "r" di atas, dapat diketahui bahwa nilai rxy adalah 0,425 antara interval 0,40 - 0,59 dalam korelasi yang cukup memadai. Jumlah responden adalah N = 22. Jadi, hipotesis alternatif (Ha) diterima. Hipotesis menyatakan bahwa ada cukup korelasi antara variabel X (siswa berbicara) dan variabel Y (ejaan Siswa) dari kelas IV SD I AL-Munawwarah dari Pamekasan.
Umi Hartanti, 2018,The Correlation Between Students’ Speaking Fluency And Students’ Correct Spelling At fourth grade SD I AL – Munawarah of Pamekasan. Undergraduate, Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) of Madura.
Advisor: Abd Ghofur, M.Pd.
Keyword:Students’ Speaking Fluency, Students’ correct Spelling.
Speaking is important because it can help us to communicate between one person to another. The improving speaking skill is simply learning to communicate with other people.Spelling skill includes abilities that are often ruled out when compared to reading and writing comprehension although much of the literature suggests that researchers and educators agree that spelling skills are important to teach. The researcher would to know about the correlation between students’ speaking fluency and students’ correct spelling.
There are two problem of study, those are: Is there any correlation between students’speaking fluency and students’correct spelling at fourth grade SD I AL – Munawarah of Pamekasan? How significant the correlation between students’ speaking fluency and correct spelling students’ at fourth grade SD I AL – Munawarah of Pamekasan? while the objectives of study are to measure the correlation between students’ speaking fluency and students’correct spelling at fourth grade SD I AL – Munawarah of Pamekasan. To know the significant the correlation between students’ speaking fluency and students’correct spelling at fourth grade SD I AL – Munawarah of Pamekasan.
In this research, the researcher uses quantitative approach. This research uses correlation research design to predict the level of one variable from another variable that involves two variables. It is a variable that stands alone and is not change by the other variables you are trying to measure. The variable X students' speaking Fluency and the variable Y students' correct spelling. The population of this study consists of 120 students. The sample of this research is 22 students by using simple random sampling. The research instruments are test used to get speaking score (variable X) and documentation used to get students’ correct spelling score (variable Y). To measure the students speaking test which will be given to the students by the researcher, the researher gives question to student about some word. And than students must spell each question. The researcher takes the score of spelling to the English teacher At Fourth Grade SD I AL –Munawarah Of Pamekasan.
The result of this research is that there is sufficient enough correlation between variable X (independent variable) and variable Y (dependent variable). It is proved by the result of the correlation value that is 0.425 and it is higher than r table in 5% significance.
Based on the table interpretation of “r” above, it can be known that value of rxy is 0,425 between intervals 0,40 – 0,59 in sufficient enough correlation. The number of respondents is N= 22. So, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. The hypothesis stated that there is sufficient enough correlation between variable X (students’ speaking) and variable Y (Students’ spelling) of the fourth grade of SD I AL-Munawwarah of Pamekasan.
The researcher conclude that: There is correlation between Students’ Speaking Fluency and students’ Correct Spelling. Improve that students’ speaking fluency has the significance correlation to ward students’ correct spelling because with spelling Accuracy can also be interpreted as the accuracy of a student in pronunciation of English words so that it can improve speaking.
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