Yulia Siliwangi Putri, 2018, The Effect of Using Western Lyric Songs Video on Student’s Mastery Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu. Thesis, English Teaching Learning Program (TBI),State IslamicInstitute (IAIN) of Madura. Advisor. Hj. Kristanti Ayuanita, M.Pd.
Key words:Western Lyric Songs, Video, Student’s VocabularyMastery
Vocabulary is the important thing known by the students in learning English because vocabulary is basic skill to make language as communication device in other to make a good language. In this study, the researcher introduces about using western lyric songs video in teaching vocabulary. The use any kind of media can attract the student’s attention and the students can have pleasure in learning language. So, the students can more enjoyable and not get bored during teaching English.
There are two problems of this study. The first is there any effect of using western lyric songs video on student’s mastery vocabulary at the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu. The second is how significance is the effect of using western lyric songs video on student’s mastery vocabulary at the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu.
This study uses Quasi Experimental Design or Non-Equivalent Control Group Design with quantitative approach. There are two variables in this study they are western lyric songs video, as independent variable and student’s mastery vocabulary, as dependent variables. The population of this study is all of students at the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu that consist of seven classes 4 class for science class and 3 class for social class, then the researcher takes two classes (XA-4 and XA-3) as sample of this study. While, the research instruments which are used are test and documentation. Test is used to measure students in mastery vocabulary and documentation is used to support and complete the data. And the data analysis technique that used is statistical analysis by using t-test formula.
The result of this research is there is significance effect of using western lyric songs video. The result shows that the students who taught using western lyric songs video at the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Pademawu have better achievement in mastery vocabulary. It was proven by using statistical analysis shows that t-value (3,138) is higher than t-table in significant level 1% = 2,660 and 5% = 2,000 with degree of freedom is 60 (tvalue>ttable) or (3,138 > 2,000). In which the alternative hypothesis (Ha) in this research is accepted.
Based on the result above, it is suggested for English teacher to be a good facilitator for students in learning English the use any kind of media can attract the student’s attention and the students can have pleasure in learning language. One of the media to attract student’s attention is video. Besides that, it is suggested for students at SMAN 1 Pademawu to increase their vocabulary in other to make them easier to understand the English lesson that taught by the teacher.
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